Secretary of Defense / War
Top Signers
RUSSELL A. ALGER - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 26386The Secretary of War's signature in black ink Signature: "R A Alger", 4¼x2½ card. Russell A.
Price: $140.00
RUSSELL A. ALGER - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 49325Alger signs as Secretary of War in black ink Signature: "R A Alger/Secy of War", 4¼x2½ card. Russell A.
Price: $160.00
RUSSELL A. ALGER - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 142442Signature from the Secretary of War in black ink Signature: "R A Alger", 3½x2¾ card. Ink caption (unknown hand) in lower left: "June 1899". Russell A.
Price: $140.00
RUSSELL A. ALGER - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 04/10/1886 - HFSID 321467As Governor of Michigan, he humbly receives his honor from the Northwestern Literary and Historical Society Autograph Letter signed: "R. A. Alger", 1 page. 8x10. Detroit, Michigan, April 10, 1886. On official letterhead of the Michigan Executive Office to Mr. B.W.
Sale Price $675.00
RUSSELL A. ALGER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 01/30/1888 - HFSID 13789Letter from Alger declining an invitation to a dinner party, dated 1888 while serving as Commander of the Michigan Department of the Grand Army of the Republic Typed letter signed: "R.A. Alger", 1p, 8x10. Detroit, Mich., 1888 January 30. To New York Republican leader James S.
Sale Price $315.00
RUSSELL A. ALGER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 06/18/1890 - HFSID 44685Letter from Alger dated 1890, asking that a friend inquire about a lithograph of Joseph B. Foraker seen in a local barber shop Typed letter signed: "R.A. Alger", 1p, 7¾x10½. Detroit, Michigan, 1890 June 18. On personal letterhead to Comrade John M.
Price: $360.00
RUSSELL A. ALGER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 07/16/1895 - HFSID 56691Brief letter from Alger, stating there is nothing to be said about him politically as he is simply "in the ranks" Typed Letter signed: "R A Alger", 1p, 5¼x8 with blank integral leaf. Detroit, Michigan, 1895 July 16. On personal letterhead to Colonel Darwin C.
Sale Price $295.00
RUSSELL A. ALGER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 10/12/1898 - HFSID 291718Soon to be fired by President McKinley for mismanagement of the Spanish-American War, Secretary of War Alger authorizes discharge of a New York volunteer corporal. Typed Letter signed: "R. A. Alger" as Secretary of War, 1 page. 5x7¾.
Price: $420.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 12/05/1930 - HFSID 344462The Mayor and Secretary of War to Woodrow Wilson signs this note thanking a friend for his kind message Autograph note signed: "Newton D Baker" in black ink. 5¾x3¾. December 5, 1930. Written on letterhead of Baker, Hostetler & Sidlo.
Price: $280.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 169435Index card signed "Cordially yours" by Newton Diehl Baker, mounted to an album leaf Autograph sentiment signed "Cordially yours,/Newton D. Baker". 4 ¾ x 3 card mounted to 8x5½ album leaf. Black ink notations on card in unknown hand.
Price: $200.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - CALLING CARD SIGNED - HFSID 320781Signed calling card of Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of War Calling Card signed: "Newton D. Baker", 3¼x2. Printed text: "Newton D. Baker/Union Trust Building/Cleveland".
Price: $200.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 87030Printed U. S. War Department card signed by Secretary of War Newton Diehl Baker in black ink Printed card signed "Newton D. Baker" as Wilson's Secretary of War in black ink. 5x3 card. Imprinted at upper right: "War Department".
Price: $200.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 320314Signing as Secretary of War, on a War Department card Printed Card signed in ink: "Newton D. Baker", 5x3 card. Printed caption in upper right: "War Department". Card also bears a typed caption.
Sale Price $165.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 03/16/1932 - HFSID 297054The former Secretary of War gracefully declines an invitation. Typed Letter signed: "Newton D. Baker", 1 page, 8½x11. Cleveland, Illinois, 1932 March 16. On letterhead of Baker, Hostetler, Sidlo & Patterson [his law firm] to Walter F.
Sale Price $295.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 04/24/1916 - HFSID 291667The Secretary of War greets a church minister who has moved to Washington, D.C. Typed Letter signed: "Newton D. Baker" as Secretary of War", 1 page, 5½x9. Washington, D.C., 1916 April 24. To Rev. Paul R. Hickok, Metropolitan Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C.…"
Price: $360.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 06/12/1931 - HFSID 26431Newton Diehl Baker signed this letter on the letterhead of Baker, Hostetler, Sidlo & Patterson in 1931, saying that a reassessment of Woodrow Wilson's administration by Mark Sullivan was "deeply gratifying" and that he would not seek the presidency.
Sale Price $385.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 06/30/1932 - HFSID 3613Former Secretary of War Newton Diehl Baker signed this typed letter to the wife of Samuel Gompers, founder of the American Federation of Labor, in 1924, saying in part "it is difficult for me to select out any particular incident, or incidents, for inclusion in the intimate appreciation of h…"
Price: $460.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 10/12/1912 - HFSID 321190As Mayor of Cleveland, he explains that he has been making many campaign appearances for Woodrow Wilson, and cannot take on an additional one in Pittsburgh. Typed Letter signed: "Newton D. Baker" as Mayor, 1 page, 8½x11. Cleveland, 1912 October 12.
Price: $420.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 11/06/1918 - HFSID 315179Writing as Secretary of War, 5 days before the end of World War I, he thanks a soldier's father for a box of cigars, but doubts that any can be mailed to the generals in France. Typed Letter signed: "Newton D. Baker" as Secretary of War, 1 page, 8x10½.
Sale Price $345.00
NEWTON D. BAKER - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 11/16/1934 - HFSID 299830Typed Letter accompanying his returned questionnaire about President Wilson's Cabinet. Typed Letter signed: "Newton D. Baker", 1 page, 8½x11. Cleveland, Ohio, 1934 November 16.
Price: $360.00
JAMES BARBOUR - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 01/23/1826 - HFSID 17115. Manuscript LS: "James Barbour" as J.Q. Adams' Secretary of War, 1p, 7¾x6¼. War Department, 1826 January 23.
Price: $650.00
HAROLD BROWN - PHOTOGRAPH MOUNT SIGNED - HFSID 29928513¾x10¼ color photo of ill-fated astronaut Edward White, with his wife, receiving the US Air Force Space Trophy from Brown, Secretary of the Air Force. Brown has inscribed the photo to the Whites on the 18x14½ matboard. This photo was in the White's personal estate.
Price: $600.00
HAROLD BROWN - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 263891Signature: "Harold Brown", 5x3½ card printed with patriotic symbols. Secretary of Defense in the Carter administration (1977-1981), Brown was the first scientist to occupy the post. His resumé included a Ph.D.
Sale Price $135.00
JAMES D. CAMERON - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 320784Signature of the Cabinet Secretary and US Senator, the son of President Lincoln's Secretary of War Signature: "J. D. Cameron/Penna", 3¾x2¼. James D.
Sale Price $85.00
JAMES D. CAMERON - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 01/12/1877 - HFSID 44683Manuscript LS: "J.D. Cameron" as Grant's Secretary of War, 1p, 7¾x10¼. War Department, Washington City, 1877 January 12. To Attorney General Alphonso Taft transmitting "the original papers in the case of John Devlin" [not present] requested by him on January 9th.
Price: $360.00
JAMES D. CAMERON - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT SIGNED - HFSID 320318Former Secretary of War and U.S. Senator signs his name in brown ink Autograph sentiment signed: "Yours truly/ J.D. Cameron" in black and brown ink. 4¾x1½. James Donald Cameron (1833-1918) followed closely in his father's footsteps.
Sale Price $105.00
JAMES D. CAMERON - MANUSCRIPT LETTER SIGNED 02/17/1877 - HFSID 291760The Secretary of War replies to an inquiry by Senator Edmunds about army paymaster positions. Autograph Letter signed: "J. D. Cameron," as Secretary of War, 1 pages 8x10¾, affixed to 8x11½ paper. War Department, Washington City, 1877 February 17.
Price: $360.00
SIMON CAMERON - AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT SIGNED 07/26/1849 - HFSID 286523He signs receipt of an $833 draft, to serve as guaranty for a bank loan Autograph Document signed: "Simon Cameron Cash[ier?], 1page, 7¾x5½. Middleton (Pennsylvania), 1849 July 26. In full: "Received of A. J. Glossbrenner a draft drawn by Joseph C.
Price: $400.00
SIMON CAMERON - AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT SIGNED 11/15/1848 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 286524Document allocating shares in the Pottsville Gas Company, also signed fellow investors A. J. Glossbrenner and Alex Small Document signed: "Simon Cameron", "A. J. Glossbrenner", "Alexr Small", 1 page, 8x6½.No place, 1849 April 15.
Price: $500.00
SIMON CAMERON - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 03/14/1887 - HFSID 140503An elder Cameron writes to a friend in the hospital - 1887 Autograph Letter Signed: "Simon Cameron", 1p, 5x8. Harrisburg, 1887 March 14. To William B. Fordney, Lancaster, Pa., promising "to meet Duffy at your hospital room" on Friday.
Sale Price $315.00