Hildegarde Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: February 01, 1906 in Adell, Wisconsin
Died: July 29, 2005 in New York City, New York
Hildegarde Loretta Sell (1906-2005) was popularly known by her first name only or simply as "The Incomparable Hildegarde". A classically trained pianist who played in vaudeville from 1926, she emerged as a popular singer in the 1930s and 1940s with hits that included "Darling, Je Vous Aime Beaucoup" (written by her manager Anna Sosenko), "The Last Time I Saw Paris" and "I'll Be Seeing You". She also had a popular radio program, Hildegarde's Raleigh Room.
1958-1960-The-Jack-Paar-Tonight-Show (in person), 1958-The-Steve-Allen-Plymouth-Show (in person), 2006-The-Beales-of-Grey-Gardens (Sound), 1997-American-Masters (in person), 1963-1970-Girl-Talk (in person), 1962-The-Merv-Griffin-Show (in person), 1960-The-Arthur-Murray-Party (in person), 1959-The-Patti-Page-Oldsmobile-Show (in person), 1956-The-Dinah-Shore-Chevy-Show (in person), 1954-The-Blue-Angel (in person), 1964-The-Mike-Douglas-Show (in person), 1954-Person-to-Person (in person), 1978-The-Joe-Franklin-Show (in person), 1967-Today (in person), 1955-What's-My-Line (in person), 1935-Music-Hath-Charms (in person), 1957-The-Ed-Sullivan-Show (in person), 1971-The-David-Frost-Show (in person)
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 37689The singer signed this index card in purple ink Signature: "Hildegarde", 5x3 index card. Hildegarde Loretta Sell (1906-2005) was popularly known by her first name only or simply as "The Incomparable Hildegarde".
Price: $90.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPH CIRCA 1949 - HFSID 49610This piece of paper has been signed by the popular singer who had her own radio show Signature: "Hildegarde". 4x2 slip affixed to 6x4½ album leaf.
Price: $80.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPH LETTER DOUBLE SIGNED 11/07/1967 - HFSID 132043This handwritten letter signed by the lounge singer thanks Mrs. Rubber for her help Autograph Letter signed twice: "Hildegarde", 2p (front and verso), 7¼x10½. No place, November 7, 1967. She has signed again boldly in the upper left corner.
Sale Price $315.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 132069This personal letter is signed by the cabaret singer who was admired by many fans Autograph Letter signed: "Hildegarde", 5¾x3¾ card. No place, no date. On personal note card with return address inked out to "Dear Mrs Rubber".
Price: $320.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 07/28/1957 - HFSID 29473The nightclub singer who revolutionized the industry wrote this letter from the Hotel Belmont thanking a fan for a telegram Autograph Letter Signed: "Hildegard". One page. 7¼x10½, separate sheets. Chicago, Illinois, July 28, 1957.
Price: $420.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 08/08/1966 - HFSID 320077The performer signed this handwritten letter from Puerto Rico Autograph Letter signed: "Hildegarde", 7¼x10. San Juan, Puerto Rico, Dated August 8, 1966. On stationary for the Sheraton Hotel Puerto Rico. To "Dear Helen".
Price: $420.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 08/31/1981 - HFSID 31679The singer who gained international fame signed this handwritten letter on a postcard to a fan about his disappointment at not seeing her perform Autograph Letter Signed: "Hildegarde", 1p, 6x4 post card. New York, N.Y., August 31, 1981.
Price: $360.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 37725The professional signer signed her name to a fan on this piece of paper in purple ink Autograph Note signed: "To/John H. Harte -/with my good wishes/Hildegarde", 3½x2¼ card.
Sale Price $165.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 78405The evening singer and performer who grew famous worldwide signed and wrote this note sending her condolences over the legal problems her friend was having Autograph Note Signed: "Hilde", 6¼x3½ card. No place, no date. To "Judi Bar".
Price: $200.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 08/25/1981 - HFSID 324807The evening singer signed this note to a fan in 1981 Autograph note signed: "To/Leon Moritz/God Bless you now/and always!/Love,/Hiledgarde/Aug. 25 - 1981", in black ink, 5x3.
Price: $200.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPH POST CARD SIGNED 06/19/1969 - HFSID 223657In this personal letter, the singer thanks a columnist for mentioning her in a publication Autograph Letter Signed: "Hildegarde" on verso of her personal imprinted card, 5½x3½. 5-cent stamp affixed, postmarked New York, New York, January 19, 1926.
Price: $320.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 320558This black and white 3½x5½ signed photograph of the singer and pianist features her wearing a feather headpiece Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Lydia Bowles/Best Wishes/Hidegarde", in green ink, B/w 3½x5½.
Price: $360.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 320572This black and white 5x6¾ photograph of the pianist and vaudeville star is signed in the bottom right corner Inscribed photograph signed: "To E. Hooley:/with good wishes/Hildegarde", in purple ink, B/w 5x6¾.
Sale Price $295.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 321046This signed sepia-toned photograph depicts a darling smile from the singer Inscribed Photograph signed: "To/Mable Else:/with my good wishes/God Bless You/ and yours/Sincerely/Hildegarde". Sepia, 8x10.
Price: $320.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 287987Vintage photograph of the singer at a young age, in a long dress, singing on stage against a black background Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Beni & Bless/Hildegarde", B/w 7x9¼.
Price: $360.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 03/07/1952 - HFSID 25415This black and white publicity photograph of the singer holding flowers is signed by her in blue felt tip Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Bruce Rodeniser and/Little Theatre Group = with my good wishes/God Bless you all - Sincerely/Hildegarde/Mar. 7 - 1952". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $295.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 07/15/1988 - HFSID 345762The cabaret singer who created a new era of stage showmanship signed this 5x6¼ black and white photograph in purple ink Inscribed Photograph Signed: “To Howie Weiner:/with Jazz and good wishes!/Hildegarde/July 15-/1988” in purple ink. B/w. 5x6¼.
Price: $300.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 323458Shown in her later years in this black and white photograph, the nightclub singer and pianist is depicted in a shiny patterned blouse and turtleneck with a diamond clover broach at her neckline Photograph signed: "Bless you!…"
Price: $280.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 310761The singer and pianist who sang on her own radio show signed this black and white photograph in blue ink Photograph signed: "Bless you!/Hildegarde", in blue ink, B/w 8x10.
Price: $300.00
HILDEGARDE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 180815Black and white publicity photograph of the pianist standing near a piano on stage wearing her trademark sleeves Photograph signed: "Bless You!/Hildegarde". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $360.00
HILDEGARDE - CHECK ENDORSED - HFSID 278432The lounge singer who became famous worldwide endorsed this check Check endorsed: "Hildegarde", 6¼x2¾. New York, New York, February 3, 1968. Check No.
Sale Price $165.00
HILDEGARDE - DOCUMENT MULTI-SIGNED 1957 - HFSID 287670The American evening performer signed three contracts in this collection of documents between her and the Music Corporation of America, all dated in 1957 Document multi-signed: "HILDEGARDE" on 3 different pages, 8½x11, 42 pages.
Sale Price $385.00
HILDEGARDE - FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED 8/1998 - HFSID 297376The famed entertainer signed this First Day Cover that honors Lee De Forest First Day Cover signed: "Hildegarde/Aug, 1998", 6½x3½, The First Day Cover honors Lee De Forest, an American inventor with nearly 200 patents to his name.
Price: $90.00
HILDEGARDE - HAND/FOOT PRINT OR SKETCH SIGNED - HFSID 276106The famed entertainer signed this handprint of her right hand Handprint signed: "My right hand -/Hildegarde". Pen and ink, 8½x11. Hildegarde Loretta Sell (1906-2005) was popularly known by her first name only or simply as "The Incomparable Hildegarde".
Price: $420.00
HILDEGARDE - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 295032The singer left a message and signed this cover of Call Board magazine, by a photo of her at her 80th birthday concert in Carnegie Hall Magazine Cover inscribed and signed: "To dear Shirley and Edward/With love and tremendous admiration/Blessings!…"
Sale Price $250.00
HILDEGARDE - INSCRIBED MENU SIGNED - HFSID 225973On this menu for the Chase Club, the popular singer and pianist signed her name along with a note Menu inscribed and signed: "To 'Buzz' -/I wish you/all good things -/Au Revoir -/Hildegarde". Three pages. 8½x11. St. Louis, Missouri, April 21, 1944.
Price: $380.00
HILDEGARDE - INSCRIBED PROGRAM SIGNED - HFSID 310778The pianist and singer signed this 1986 cover of Call Board that features a black and white image of her Inscribed program signed: "To the Rockland Hook & Ladder Co./Robert Rubin & Joy Levy/Blessings - Hildegarde/April 17-1995-Nyc", 8½x11, 5 pages.
Price: $320.00
HILDEGARDE - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 205070The nightclub singer signed this 1986 winter edition of Call Board magazine that features her on the cover Magazine signed: "Bless you!/Hildegarde", 6p, 8½x11. Call Board magazine (Official Publication of the Catholic Actors Guild of America), Winter 1986.
Price: $320.00
HILDEGARDE - PROGRAM SIGNED CIRCA 1948 - HFSID 180743The nightclub singer who became a national star signed this souvenir program Program signed: "Hildegarde", 25p, 9x12. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, circa 1948. Souvenir program titled "Milwaukee Welcomes Incomparable Hildegarde!…"
Sale Price $175.00
HILDEGARDE - PROGRAM SIGNED CIRCA 1974 - HFSID 140206The evening singer and pianist signed this program from the 1973 concert season Program signed: "Hildegarde", 8p, 5½x9. New York City, New York. 1973-1974 Season.
Price: $220.00