Earl Holliman Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles
Born: September 11, 1928 in Delhi, Louisiana
Died: November 25, 2024 in Los Angeles, California
Earl Holliman turned in impressive work on many live TV anthologies during the 1950s. His performance as a shipwrecked Marine in a 1958 Kraft Theatre production led to his being cast in Twilight Zone's pilot episode, "Where is Everybody?" (1959). Holliman has also starred in a number of films, including Giant (with Elizabeth Taylor, 1956); The Rainmaker (with Katharine Hepburn, 1956), which earned him a Golden Globe; and Sons of Katie Elder (1965), which also starred John Wayne.
1953-Destination-Gobi (Performer), 2008-Stanley-Rubin:-A-Work-in-Progress (in person), 1999-The-13th-Annual-Genesis-Awards (in person), 1998-Memories-of-'Giant' (in person), 1992-One-on-One-with-John-Tesh (in person), 1976-The-2nd-Annual-People's-Choice-Awards (in person), 1975-Dinah! (in person), 1972-1973-The-Tonight-Show-Starring-Johnny-Carson (in person), 1997-NightMan (Performer), 1991-1994-Murder,-She-Wrote (Performer), 1990-Empty-Nest (Performer), 1983-The-Thorn-Birds (Performer), 1974-I-Love-You...-Good-bye (Performer), 1973-Trapped (Performer), 1973-The-Six-Million-Dollar-Man:-Wine,-Women-and-War (Performer), 1966-1973-The-F.B.I. (Performer), 1965-The-Fugitive (Performer), 1965-Slattery's-People (Performer), 1962-Alcoa-Premiere (Performer), 1959-Last-Train-from-Gun-Hill (Performer), 1958-Hot-Spell (Performer), 1958-Kraft-Theatre (Performer), 1957-Don't-Go-Near-the-Water (Performer), 1956-Giant (Performer), 1954-Broken-Lance (Performer), 1953-Devil's-Canyon (Performer), 2013-The-Insider (in person), 1961-1962-Here's-Hollywood (in person), 1977-The-3rd-Annual-People's-Choice-Awards (in person), 2006-Amazing!-Exploring-the-Far-Reaches-of-Forbidden-Planet (in person), 2000-The-Perfect-Tenant (Performer), 2000-Chicken-Soup-for-the-Soul (Performer), 1996-1999-Caroline-in-the-City (Performer), 1982-Country-Gold (Performer), 1974-1978-Police-Woman (Performer), 1973-The-Streets-of-San-Francisco (Performer), 1971/I-Montserrat (Performer), 1971-Ironside (Performer), 1970-Smoke (Performer), 1969-Marcus-Welby,-M.D. (Performer), 1969-The-Desperate-Mission (Performer), 1968-Anzio (Performer), 1968-The-Power (Performer), 1967-Custer (Performer), 1965-The-Virginian (Performer), 1965-The-Sons-of-Katie-Elder (Performer), 1965-Dr.-Kildare (Performer), 1964-The-Great-Adventure (Performer), 1962-Checkmate (Performer), 1962-Bus-Stop (Performer), 1961-Summer-and-Smoke (Performer), 1960-Visit-to-a-Small-Planet (Performer), 1959-The-Trap (Performer), 1958-Westinghouse-Desilu-Playhouse (Performer), 1958-Studio-One-in-Hollywood (Performer), 1957-Matinee-Theatre (Performer), 1955-The-Big-Combo (Performer), 1953-The-Girls-of-Pleasure-Island (Performer), 2006-Robby-the-Robot:-Engineering-a-Sci-Fi-Icon (in person), 2001-2003-Intimate-Portrait (in person), 1996-Biography (in person), 1995-The-9th-Annual-Genesis-Awards (in person), 1994-Golden-Globes-50th-Anniversary-Celebration (in person), 1991-The-$25,000-Pyramid (in person), 1989-Safe-House (in person), 1977-Circus-of-the-Stars-#2 (in person), 1977-The-29th-Annual-Primetime-Emmy-Awards (in person), 1975-The-Magnificent-Marble-Machine (in person), 1970-1973-Walt-Disney's-Wonderful-World-of-Color (Performer), 1997-1999-NightMan (Performer), 1992-1993-Delta (Performer), 1992-In-the-Heat-of-the-Night (Performer), 1991-P.S.I.-Luv-U (Performer), 1987-Gunsmoke:-Return-to-Dodge (Performer), 1986-Hotel (Performer), 1981-Sharky's-Machine (Performer), 1980-Where-the-Ladies-Go (Performer), 1979-Good-Luck,-Miss-Wyckoff (Performer), 1974-Police-Story (Performer), 1974-Cry-Panic (Performer), 1969-1973-Gunsmoke (Performer), 1970-Tribes (Performer), 1968-Judd-for-the-Defense (Performer), 1967-A-Covenant-with-Death (Performer), 1965-Bonanza (Performer), 1961-The-Dick-Powell-Theatre (Performer), 1961-Armored-Command (Performer), 1959-Twilight-Zone (Performer), 1957-1958-Playhouse-90 (Performer), 1956-The-Rainmaker (Performer), 1956-The-Burning-Hills (Performer), 1956-Forbidden-Planet (Performer), 1955-I-Died-a-Thousand-Times (Performer), 1954-Tennessee-Champ (Performer), 2003-Return-to-'Giant' (in person), 1995-American-Masters (in person), 1992-The-Larry-Sanders-Show (in person), 1983-1991-The-New-$25,000-Pyramid (in person), 1984-The-10th-Annual-People's-Choice-Awards (in person), 1958-The-Lux-Show (in person), 1962-General-Electric-Theater (Performer), 1999-Bad-City-Blues (Performer), 1996-Captain-Planet-and-the-Planeteers (Performer), 1987-American-Harvest (Performer), 1986-Shattered-If-Your-Kid's-on-Drugs (Performer), 1979-The-Solitary-Man (Performer), 1977-Alexander:-The-Other-Side-of-Dawn (Performer), 1971-1973-Medical-Center (Performer), 1972-The-Rookies (Performer), 1972-The-Biscuit-Eater (Performer), 1971-Alias-Smith-and-Jones (Performer), 1971-Cannon (Performer), 1970-It-Takes-a-Thief (Performer), 1965-12-O'Clock-High (Performer), 1961-Westinghouse-Presents:-The-Dispossessed (Performer), 1959-1960-Hotel-de-Paree (Performer), 1957-Trooper-Hook (Performer), 1957-Gunfight-at-the-O.K.-Corral (Performer), 1954-The-Bridges-at-Toko-Ri (Performer), 1953-East-of-Sumatra (Performer), 1953-Scared-Stiff (Performer), 1991-The-Chuck-Woolery-Show (in person), 1985-Doris-Day's-Best-Friends (in person), 1979-1980-CHiPs (in person), 1975-1980-The-Hollywood-Squares (in person), 1980-Fossey's-War (in person), 1977-To-Say-the-Least (in person), 1975-The-Mike-Douglas-Show (in person), 1971-The-Movie-Game (in person), 1962-1963-Wide-Country (Performer), 1976-Walt-Disney's-Wonderful-World-of-Color (Other)
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 208757His ink signature on a 5x3 card. Signature: "Earl/Holliman", 5x3. Perhaps best known for his role as Lieutenant Bill Crowley in the weekly series Police Woman (1974-1978), Earl Holliman (1928-2024) turned in impressive work on many live TV anthologies during the 1950s.
Price: $70.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 07/22/1998 - HFSID 290308Handwritten letter identifying his favorites among the actors he worked with Autograph Letter signed: "Earl Holliman", 1 page, 8½x11. No place, 1998 July 22.
Sale Price $295.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 09/18/1954 - HFSID 168473He pens a letter to a columnist, thanking him for writing approvingly of his performances. Autograph Letter signed: "Earl Holliman", 1p, 7¼x10. No place, 1954 September 18. To "Dear Jimmy".
Price: $280.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 25432Both Holliman and Como send thanks to radio/TV interview host George Sanders Autograph Note Signed: "George/I haven't been/a guest - but/thanks for the kind/words/Earl Holliman", "To George/My belated thanks/for coming to our lunch/Perry Como".
Price: $140.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 312907Classic photograph of the handsome actor wearing black suit and white shirt Inscribed Photograph signed: "To Martha Sue/Best Wishes/Earl/Holliman" in green felt tip, Sepia, 8x10.
Sale Price $215.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 315390Vintage candid 3½x5½ photo, posed on the sidewalk in front of the CBS studio, acquired from the collection of Francis and Violet Zane. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Francis/Earl Holliman". B/w, 3½x5¾. Candid photo.
Price: $280.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 281640B/w bust photo of actor Earl Holliman in an open dark shirt, signed "Good Luck always" Inscribed photograph signed "To/Trinia-/Good Luck,/always/Earl Holliman". Pencil notations on verso in unknown hand.
Sale Price $105.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 342324Youthful photograph of the actor signed to fan, wishing him "Good Luck" Inscribed photograph signed: "To/Irwin-/Good Luck/Earl Holliman", in black felt tip, B/w 7½x9½.
Price: $280.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 343371The actor is shown wearing a suit and tie in this very early black and white signed photograph Inscribed photograph signed: "To Ana Maria,/With Best Wishes/Earl Holliman" in green ink. 8x10.
Price: $280.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 01/20/1987 - HFSID 89003The Golden Globe winner inscribes this publicity photo to a fan. Inscribed Photograph signed: "To/David,/Good Luck/Earl/Holliman/1.20.87". B/w, 8x10.
Sale Price $165.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 05/19/1992 - HFSID 192498Black and white publicity photograph of Earl Holliman wearing a jean shirt. Inscribed Photograph signed: "To/Rosita,/Good/Luck/Earl/Holliman/5.19.92". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $200.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 08/12/1990 - HFSID 187217Black and white publicity photograph of the actor wearing a jean shirt Inscribed Photograph signed: "To/ Gary,/ Good/ Luck/ Earl/ Holliman/ 8.12.90" in silver ink, b/w, 8x10.
Price: $120.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 11/10/1991 - HFSID 323867Black and white publicity photograph of the actor signed in silver ink to a fan Inscribed Photograph signed: "Wishing/you, and/all those/in Bushwick/peace/and/love!/Earl/Holliman/11.10.91". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $200.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 11/29/1985 - HFSID 294538Shown in movie still from The Sons of Katie Elder Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Jim -/Good Luck/Earl/Holliman/1129/85". B/w, 10x8. Shown with Dean Martin and Michael Anderson, Jr. in captioned movie still from The Sons of Katie Elder (1965).
Price: $160.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 298751The actor is shown from the chest up in this black and white photograph. Photograph signed: "Fellow cat-lover!/Earl/Holliman" in blue felt tip, B/w 8x10.
Price: $200.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 187247Youthful image of the handsome actor, shown smiling in western attire. Photograph signed: "Love/always!/Earl/Holliman". B/w, 8x10. Facsimile signature at left edge.
Price: $260.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 74393Youthful image of the western star, signed in black ink. Photograph signed: "Earl/Holliman". B/w, 7x9.
Price: $260.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 05/06/1987 - HFSID 63378The Golden Globe winner signs, "With love from the Twilight Zone." Photograph signed: "With/Love from/The Twilight/Zone/Earl/Holliman/5.6.87". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $200.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 06/17/1983 - HFSID 187241Youthful image of the handsome actor shown wearing a striped shirt Photograph signed: "With/Love/Earl/Holliman/6.17.83". B/w, 8x10.
Price: $260.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - DOCUMENT SIGNED 07/18/1952 - HFSID 173255At the age of 23, he signs a document for his employer. Document signed: "Earl Holliman", 1p, 8x4¾. No place, 1952 July 18. Holliman supplies personal information on the lower portion of an unidentified document.
Price: $320.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - INSCRIBED DIRECTORY PHOTO SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 323836Actors Earl Holliman and John Huffman sign a magazine page from The Players Directory. Inscribed to a fan. Inscribed directory photo signed: "To Violet/Earl Holliman", and on verso, "John Huffman" in black ink. B/w, 7¼x11.
Sale Price $165.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 269574Lobby Card inscribed and signed: "To Claude Wallace -/Earl Holliman". Color, 14x11. Promoting the 1956 film, The Rainmaker, which co-starred Holliman in his Golden Globe Best Supporting Actor winning-role as Jim Curry. ©1956, Paramount Pictures Corporation.
Sale Price $225.00
EARL HOLLIMAN - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 03/26/1959 - HFSID 312906The actor types a short letter to a friend, dated in 1959 Typed Letter Signed: "Earl Holliman", 1 page, 7x10½. No place, March, 26 1959.
Sale Price $225.00