Football Hall of Fame | Checks
Top Signers
SAMMY BAUGH - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 01/25/1972 - HFSID 279775Sammy Baugh signs a check to pay $10.00 for work cattle. Check signed: "Sam Baugh", 6x2¾. Rotan, Texas, 1972 January 25. Not numbered, drawn on the First National Bank of Rotan, payable to Bill Crite for $10.00. Endorsed on verso: "Bill Crite".
Sale Price $295.00
SAMMY BAUGH - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 06/20/1975 - HFSID 274070Sammy Baugh signs a check to pay Rotan Restaurant $2.26. Check signed: "Sam Baugh", 6¼x2¾. Rotan, Texas, 1975 June 20. Unnumbered check, drawn on the First National Bank of Rotan, payable to Rotan Restaurant for $2.26.
Sale Price $325.00
SAMMY BAUGH - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 07/08/1990 - HFSID 292278The Hall of Fame Redskins quarterback signs a check payable to Martins Feed & Garden for $558.22. Check signed: "Sam Baugh" in blue ink. 6¼x2¾. Rotan, Texas, 1990 July 8.
Price: $350.00
SAMMY BAUGH - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 11/28/1990 - HFSID 279272The Hall of Fame Redskins quarterback signs a check for $983.19 to pay for block feed. Check signed: "Sam Baugh" in blue ink. 6¼x2¾. Rotan, Texas, 1990 November 28. Numbered 6078, drawn on the First National Bank of Rotan, payable to Morris Hammond for $983.19.
Price: $350.00
WEEB EWBANK - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 09/15/1994 - HFSID 271010Check filled out and signed: "Weeb Ewbank", 6x2¾. Oxford, Ohio, 1994 September 15. Check No. 4205, drawn on his joint account with his wife at Bank One, Cincinnati, payable to "Oxford Press" for $20. Stamped endorsement on verso.
Price: $240.00
CAL (ROBERT) HUBBARD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 01/29/1963 - HFSID 83158Cal Hubbard issues a check to A & P for $28.40 - completed and signed in pencil Partly Printed Check signed: "Cal Hubbard," in pencil, 6x2¾. Drawn on the First National Bank, Milan, Missouri, 1963 January 29. Payable to A & P in the amount of $28.40.
Sale Price $165.00
CAL (ROBERT) HUBBARD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/06/1963 - HFSID 83186Cal Hubbard issues a check to See State Bank for $60.97 Partly Printed Check signed: "Cal Hubbard," 6x2¾. Drawn on the First National Bank, Milan, Missouri, 1963 March 6. Payable to See State Bank. for $60.97. Pale green in color. (Robert) Cal Hubbard (1900-1977).
Price: $200.00
CAL (ROBERT) HUBBARD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 07/22/1963 - HFSID 87123Cal Hubbard issues a check to the Boston Gas Company for $1.76 Partly Printed Check signed: "Cal Hubbard," 6x2¾. Drawn on the First National Bank, Milan, Missouri, 1963 July 22. Payable to Boston Gas. Co. for $1.76. Pale green in color. (Robert) Cal Hubbard (1900-1977).
Price: $200.00
CAL (ROBERT) HUBBARD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 11/16/1965 - HFSID 87120Cal Hubbard issues a check to State Farm Ins. Co. for $27.70 Partly Printed Check signed: "Cal Hubbard," 6x2¾, white in color. Drawn on the First National Bank, Milan, Missouri, 1965 November 16. Payable to State Farm Insurance Co. in the amount of $27.70.
Sale Price $165.00
DANTE "GLUEFINGERS" LAVELLI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 06/12/1996 - HFSID 342497The Hall of Fame football player signs this check for $72.65 in blue ink Check signed: "Dante Levelli" in blue ink, 8¼x3. June 12, 1996. Check no. 9432 drawn from the account of Dante Lavelli Furniture & Appliances of Westgate, Inc. at Bank One in Rocky River, Ohio.
Sale Price $175.00
DANTE "GLUEFINGERS" LAVELLI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/29/1997 - HFSID 345879The Hall of Famer pens his name on this check for $720.58 Check signed: "Dante Levelli" in black ink, 8¼x3. December 29, 1997. Check no. 4686 drawn from the account of Dante "Gluefingers" Lavelli at Bank One in Columbus, Ohio. Payable for $720.58 to Ihh. Co.
Sale Price $175.00
VINCE LOMBARDI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK - HFSID 354612Vince Lombardi signs a check for $11.99 Check signed: "Vincent Lombardi", 8¼ x 3. Green Bay, Wisconsin, September 12, 1959. Drawn on the Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, payable to Edmonds Drug Store for $11.99.
Price: $1,000.00
VINCE LOMBARDI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 07/22/1961 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 153436Vince Lombardi signs a $110.85 check to Southwest Louisiana Institute quarterback Danny Bridges. Bridges didn't make the final Packer cut during the 1961 summer camp training. Check signed: "Vincent Lombardi", 8¼x3. Green Bay, Wisconsin, July 22, 1961.
Price: $1,000.00
VINCE LOMBARDI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 08/11/1960 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 153416Vince Lombardi signs a check for $99.00 to University of Oklahoma tackle Gilmer Lewis who endorses on verso. Check signed: "Vincent Lombardi", 8¼x3. Green Bay, Wisconsin, August 11, 1960. Drawn on the Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, payable to Gilmer Lewis for $99.
Price: $1,000.00
VINCE LOMBARDI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/06/1959 - HFSID 153392Partial Printed Check signed: "Vince Lombardi", 7¾x2¾. Green Bay, Wisconsin, 1959 December 6. Drawn on the Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, payable to Rex Cleaners for $35.40. In his rookie season, Lombardi earned Coach of the Year honors.
Price: $1,400.00
VINCE LOMBARDI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/08/1960 - HFSID 153450Check from the Green Bay Packers coach for $260.00 in "Cash" Check signed: "Vincent Lombardi", 8¼x3. Green Bay, Wisconsin, 1960 December 8. Drawn on the Kellogg Citizens National Bank of Green Bay, payable to "Cash" for $260.00.
Price: $1,000.00
VINCE LOMBARDI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/13/1960 - HFSID 153473Vince Lombardi signs a check for the Department of Athletics Stanford University that has been bound in a leather and material portfolio, 10x12¾ when closed. Check signed: "Vincent Lombardi", 8¼x3. Green Bay, Wisconsin, 1960 December 13.
Price: $1,200.00
VINCE LOMBARDI - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 29/1959 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 156548Vince Lombardi and Dominic Olejniczak sign a check to E. M. Wockionske. Check signed: "Vincent Lombardi" as General Manager of the Green Bay Packers, 8x3. Green Bay, Wisconsin, 1959 November 27. Check No. 1368, drawn on the Green Bay Packers, Inc.
Price: $1,200.00
CLYDE "BULLDOG" TURNER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 04/20/1982 - HFSID 83260The 8-time All-Pro signs a $20 check to the Shandar Club. Check signed: "Clyde D. Turner", 6x2¾. Gatesville, Texas, 1982 April 20. Check #506, his account at the Guaranty Bank and Trust Company, payable to the Shandar Club for $20.
Price: $120.00
CLYDE "BULLDOG" TURNER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 10/04/1981 - HFSID 83261The Chicago Bears star of the 1940s signs a $3,500 check for a mobile home. Check signed: "Clyde D. Turner", 6x2¾. Fort Calhoun, Nebraska, 1981 October 4. Check #1804, drawn on the account of Gladys W. or Clyde D.
Price: $120.00