Military Other | Appointments
Top Signers
PRESIDENT FULGENCIO BATISTA ZALDIVAR (CUBA) - DIPLOMATIC APPOINTMENT SIGNED 02/02/1943 - HFSID 262859He signs a partly printed document accepting a new US Consul in Santiago (1943). Early Partly Printed DS: "F.B. Zaldivar" as President of Cuba, 1 page, 18¼x14½. Havana, 1943 February 2. In Spanish, not translated.
Sale Price $675.00
JAMES C. DOBBIN - NAVAL APPOINTMENT SIGNED 05/19/1853 - HFSID 315295As Secretary of the Navy, he forwards a commission to a Lieutenant (later Rear Admiral) John C. Febinger. Naval Appointment signed: "J. C. Dobbin" as Secretary of the Navy, 1 page, 8x10. Navy Department, 1853 May 19. To Lt. John C.
Sale Price $215.00
JAMES C. DOBBIN - NAVAL APPOINTMENT SIGNED 10/08/1855 - HFSID 318468Signed letter as Navy Secretary, appointing a Captain in the Navy, dated October 8, 1855 Naval Appointment Signed: "J. C. Dobbin", in black ink, 1 page, 8x10. October 8, 1855. Navy Department.
Price: $260.00
WILLIAM MOULTON INGRAHAM - MILITARY APPOINTMENT SIGNED 08/15/1917 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 85572Assistant Secretary of War Ingraham, and Adjutant General McCain, sign the 11x14 war-dated promotion of Stuart Heintzelman to Lieutenant Colonel. Military Appointment signed: "William M. Ingraham" as Assistant Secretary of War, "H. P.…"
Price: $360.00
PRIME MINISTER BENITO (IL DUCE) MUSSOLINI (ITALY) - CIVIL APPOINTMENT SIGNED 11/23/1922 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 4171323 days after the King asked Mussolini to head the government, both sign the letter of appointment of a bank director. Partly Printed DS: "Vittorio Emanuele" as King of Italy and "B Mussolini" as Prime Minister, 1 page, 9¾x15. Rome, 1922 November 23.
Price: $2,250.00
JOHN W. WEEKS - MILITARY APPOINTMENT SIGNED 03/10/1921 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 26453As Secretary of War and Adjutant General, they sign the appointment of Stuart Heintzelman as Lt. Colonel of Cavalry Military Appointment signed: "John W. Weeks" as Secretary of War, "P. C. Harris" as Adjutant General, 4½x14¾. Washington, D.C., 1921 March 10.
Price: $360.00