Broadway Play Casts | Show Bills
Top Signers
3 HOTELS PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 285039Both sign the front cover of the Playbill for a production of the Circle Repertory Theatre Show Bill signed: "Ron Rifkin", "Christine/Lahti", 67 pages, 6½x9. RON RIFKIN may be best known as the duplicitous Arvin Sloane on the TV series Alias (2001-2006).
Price: $340.00
6 RMS RIV VU BROADWAY CAST - INSCRIBED SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 321166Stars of 6 Rms Riv Vu Orbach and Alexander sign a playbill from the show. Inscribed show bill signed: "For Larry-/Best Wishes/Jane Alexander", "To Larry/Jerry Orbach", 32 pages, 5½x9. "Playbill Magazine" for 6 Rms Riv Vu at the Colonial Theatre, New York, September 1972 .
Price: $600.00
6 RMS RIV VU BROADWAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 78793Four players from the play 6 Rms Riv Vu sign the playbill cover. Playbill Cover inscribed and signed: "Jane Alexander", "To Pat/Jerry Orbach", "Pat/All the best!/Francine Beers" and "To Pat/Best Wishes/Jose Ocasio", 5½x9.
Price: $420.00
A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 295938Playbill signed by ten cast members and two guests at the first Broadway revival of the popular musical comedy Show Bill signed: "Kerry McGrath", "Trudy Carson", "Love & Peace/John Hansen", "Lauren", "Keita", "Pamela Hall", "Lisabeth/Pritchett",
Price: $420.00
A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 295744Signed by cast members and guests at the first Broadway revival of the popular musical comedy Show Bill signed: "John/Hansen", "Keita", "Lauren Lucas", "Trudy/Carson", "Kerry McGrath" and 2 unidentified signers. In all 7 signatures. 32 pages, 5½x9.
Price: $420.00
A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN FILM PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 320697A playbill for A History of the American Film signed by Maureen Anderman, Swoosie Kurtz, Brent Spiner, April Shawhan, David Garrison, and 5 others Show bill signed: "Gary Bayer", "Jeff/Brooks", "April/Shawhan", "Mary Catherine/Wright", "Brent/Spiner", "Maureen Anderman", "Swoosie Kurtz",
Price: $300.00
A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN FILM PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 314797Swoosie Kurts, April Shawhan, Christopher Durang and Judith Gordon sign on a Playbill for a production of A History of the American Film Show bill signed: "Judith Gordon", "Chris Durang", "Swoosie Kurtz", "April Shawan", in blue ink, 66 pages, 5&
Price: $300.00
A LIFE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301505Playbill signed on their cover pictures by Pat Hingle and Roy Dotrice. Dotrice received a Tony nomination for this 1980 play Show Bill signed: "Pat Hingle" and "Roy Dotrice" in blue felt tip, 98p, 5½x9.
Sale Price $115.00
A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 314561Emlyn Williams and George Rose sign their names on a Playbill for a production of A Man For All Seasons Show bill signed: "George Rose", "Emlyn/Williams", in black ink, 42 pages, 6x9.
Price: $220.00
A MUSICAL JUBILEE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301534Seven members of this star-studded production sign the cast page of the Playbill Show Bill signed: "Lillian Gish", "John Raitt", "Cyril Ritchard", "Patrice Munsel", "Tammy Grimes", "Dick Shawn", "Larry Kert", 60 pages,
Price: $260.00
A PATRIOT FOR ME PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 3092228 Signatures on the cast page of the Playbill for the original Broadway production include Salome Jens, Dennis King, Keene Curtis and Richard Jordan Show Bill signed: "Dennis King", "Thank you/Warren/Burton", "Ed Zimmerman", "Richard/Jordan", "K…"
Price: $260.00
A TEXAS TRILOGY PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301530Star Diane Ladd and 8 other actors sign the cast page of this Playbill. Show Bill signed: "God Bless/Diane Ladd", "Baxter Harris", "Avril Gentles", "Patrick Hines", "Walter/Flanagan", "Thomas Toner", "Graham/Beckel", "Everett McGill", "James Staley", 42 pages, 5½x9.
Sale Price $275.00
A VISIT TO A SMALL PLANET PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED CIRCA 1957 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 322049Cast members Ritchard and Mayehoff signs play bill for their show A Visit to a Small Planet Show Bill signed: "Cyril Ritchard" and "Eddie Mayehoff" in black ink. 22 pages, 6¾x9, affixed to 9x12 piece of construction paper.
Price: $160.00
ABSURD PERSON SINGULAR BROADWAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 295741The two Tony Award winners sign a Playbill for a presentation of Absurd Person Singular Program signed: "Fritz Weaver" and "Carole Shelley", 50 pages, 5½x9. For a presentation of Absurd Person Singular at The Music Box.
Price: $260.00
ABSURD PERSON SINGULAR BROADWAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 343784The five actors sign this Playbill for the production of "Absurd Person Singular" at The Music Box Theatre in Chicago Show bill signed: "Geraldine Page", "Tony Roberts", "Carole Shelley", "Larry Blyden", and "…"
Sale Price $325.00
ACCOMPLICE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301704The writer and cast sign a Playbill for a presentation of the 1990 show at the Richard Rodgers Theatre. Show Bill signed: "Jason Alexander", "Michael/McKean", "Natalija/Nogulich", "Pamela/Brull" and "Rupert Holmes", 70 pages, 5½x8½.
Price: $320.00
AH, WILDERNESS! PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 314588Geraldine Fitzgerald and Larry Gates sign on a Playbill for a production of Ah, Wilderness! Show bill signed: "Geraldine/Fitzgerald", "Larry Gates", 60 pages, 6x9. Playbill for a production of Ah, Wilderness! at the Circle in the Square Theatre.
Price: $320.00
AIN'T MISBEHAVIN' BROADWAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 309109Cast members Teresa Bowers, Ken Prymus, Adrian Lenox, and Roz Ryan sign on this Playbill of the musical Ain't Misbehavin' Show bill signed: "God Bless/ Teresa Bowers", "Stay Happy/ Ken Prymus", "Thanks/ Adriane/ Lenox", "Thank/ You/ Roz/ Ryan",
Price: $300.00
ALL MY SONS PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 314543Richard Kiley and Joyce Ebert sign their names on a Playbill for a production of All My Sons Show bill signed: "Joyce/Ebert", "Richard Kiley", in blue felt tip, 70 pages, 5½x8½.
Price: $220.00
ALONE TOGETHER PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301553Playbill signed on the cast page by 5 performers Show Bill signed: "Janis Paige", "Kevin McCarthy", "Don Howard", "Alexandra Gersten", "Dennis Drake", 86 pages, 5½x8½. Playbill for a production of Alone Together at the Music Box (New York), dated October 8, 1984.
Sale Price $450.00
ALONE TOGETHER PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301703Playbill signed on the cast page by 6 performers Show Bill signed: "Janis Paige", "Kevin McCarthy", "Don Howard", "Alexandra/Gersten", "Dennis/Drake", "Kevin O'Rourke", 86 pages, 5½x8½.
Price: $550.00
ALPHA BETA PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 343775This playbill for the production of "Alpha Beta" is signed by the actors, writer and director Show bill signed: "Good/Luck John Berry" in blue ink, "Regards/EA Whitehead" in black ink, "Laurence G Luckinbill" and "Kathryn Walker" in blue felt.
Price: $320.00
AND MISS REARDON DRINKS A LITTLE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301558Playbill for a presentation of And Miss Reardon Drinks A Little at the Morosco Theatre, signed by the Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, a six-time Tony Award winner and two Tony Award nominees.
Sale Price $245.00
ANGELS FALL PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 309056Lanford Wilson, Barnard Hughes, and Fritz Weaver sign on this Showbill for the play Angels Fall Show bill signed: "Lanford Wilson", "Barnard Hughes", "Fritz/Weaver", 35 pages, 5¾x8½.
Price: $420.00
ANNA CHRISTIE BROADWAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 295740The two stars of the stage sign this Playbill for a 1952 presentation of Anna Christie at the Lyceum Theatre in New York City. Program signed: "Thank you from/UNICEF/Celeste Holm" and "Kevin McCarthy" in black felt tip, 24 pages, 6½x9.
Sale Price $245.00
ANNIE GET YOUR GUN PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 309003Showbill for the 1966 revival, signed by Ethel Merman, Jerry Orbach and Benay Venuta on their biography pages, and on the cast page by Danny Daniels (Orbach and Venuta have signed again there!
Price: $240.00
APPLAUSE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 309110American playwright Adolph Green and three cast members sign on this Playbill of the Broadway musical Applause. Show bill signed: "Penny/Fuller", "Len Cariou", "Adolph/Green", "Lee Roy Reams", 49 pages, 6x9. Play Bill for a production of Applause at the Palace Theatre in New York.
Price: $440.00
ARSENIC AND OLD LACE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL COVER SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 288704Showbill cover for a performance at the 46th Street Theatre, New York Playbill Cover signed: "Polly Holliday", "Jean Stapleton", "Tony Roberts", "William/Preston", J J Johnston", "Abe Vigoda" and "Mary Layne", 5½…"
Sale Price $175.00
ARSENIC AND OLD LACE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED CIRCA 1941 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 322040Cast members sign playbill for their Hartford, Connecticut performance Show Bill signed: "Angie Adams" (Elaine Harper), "Erich von Stroheim" (Jonathan Brewster), "Laura Hope Crews" (Abby Brewster), "Jack Whiting" (Mortimer Br
Price: $440.00
ARSENIC AND OLD LACE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 29055Program signed: "Erich von Stroheim", "Laura Hope Crews" and "Helen Twelvetrees", 1p, 6¼x8¾. Title page for Arsenic and Old Lace, Grand Opera House, Chicago (1941). VON STROHEIM portrayed murderer-fugitive Jonathan Brewster.
Sale Price $325.00