Scientists, Inventors & Medicine | Contracts / Documents
Top Signers
JOHN ABERNETHY - AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT UNSIGNED - HFSID 287870Four-line medical prescription in Latin Autograph Document, unsigned, 1 page, 7½x3. Ink note (unknown hand): "Abernethy's writing". Illegible scrawls on verso (unknown hand). British physician John Abernethy (1764-1831) became Assistant Surgeon at St.
Sale Price $250.00
ERASTUS BRIGHAM BIGELOW - DOCUMENT SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 28644417x14 Required Corporate Clinton Wire Cloth Co., a required 1879 annual filing with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, signed by corporate officers and Massachusetts state officials Document signed twice: "E. B. Bigelow" as company president and as board member; "C.…"
Price: $725.00
PARRY BIVENS - DOCUMENT SIGNED 07/08/1955 - HFSID 282131Aquatic engineer Bivens joins the actors' union in order to appear on Kingdom of the Sea, which featured his wife, diver and actress Zale (Parry) Bivens. Document signed: "Parry E. Bivens", 2 pages, 6½x9, 1 sheet, front and verso. Hollywood, California, 1955 July 8.
Price: $280.00
LUTHER BURBANK - AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT TWICE SIGNED 10/06/1923 - HFSID 31315Horticulturalist Luther Burbank signed and dated this corrected copy of his entry in Who's Who in America in 1923. With numerous handwritten corrections and notations. Autograph document signed "Luther Burbank/Please send 1924-25 'Whos Who''/Enclosed $7.…"
Sale Price $495.00
PETER COOPER - DOCUMENT SIGNED 05/01/1881 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 158427Certificate awarded to a student who took Cast Drawing at his free night school. Partly Printed DS: "Peter Cooper" as President, 1p, 16x13¼. Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, 1881 May 1. Countersigned: "Geo. W. Plympton, A.M., C.E.…"
Sale Price $495.00
PETER COOPER - DOCUMENT SIGNED 10/1842 - HFSID 154782Cooper signed this dated New York Public School award for Maria Nunns in 1842. Partly printed document signed "Peter Cooper" for the School Committee and "Caroline Whiting" as Teacher. With pencil notation on verso in unknown hand. 1 page, 7¼x9¼. Oct. 1842.
Price: $750.00
PETER COOPER - DOCUMENT SIGNED 12/1843 - HFSID 154780Cooper signed this dated New York Public School award for Maria Nunnst in 1843. Partly printed document signed "Peter Cooper" for the School Committee and "Caroline Whiting" as Teacher. With pencil notation on verso in unknown hand. 1 page, 7¼x9¼. Dec. 1843.
Price: $750.00
PETER COOPER - DOCUMENT SIGNED 12/1846 - HFSID 252225Cooper signed this dated New York Public School award for Maria Nunnst in 1843. Partly Printed document signed: "Peter Cooper" for the School Committee and by "Caroline Whiting" as Teacher. With pencil notations on verso in unknown hand. 1 page, 9¼x7¼. Feb. 1846.
Price: $600.00
PETER COOPER - DOCUMENT SIGNED CIRCA 1842 - HFSID 286442As a school committee member, he signs an award certificate to a student (1842) Partly printed document signed "Peter Cooper" for the School Committee and "Caroline Whiting" as Teacher. With pencil notation on verso in unknown hand. 1 page, 7¼x9¼. February, 1842.
Price: $700.00
PETER COOPER - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 03/21/1836 - HFSID 16773Cooper signed this dated manuscript document in New York in 1836 to acknowledge that he had received an $8.32 payment from William Conley for merchandise received.
Price: $425.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL CHARLES H. CRANE - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 03/03/1867 - HFSID 3541Charles H. Crane signs a manuscript document about Charles Fischer's services in the Medical Department of the U.S. Army Manuscript Document Signed: "C.H. Crane" as Asst. Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1p, 7¾x9½. No place, no date.
Price: $320.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL CHARLES H. CRANE - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 03/16/1866 - HFSID 3538Charles H. Crane signs a manuscript document about Otto Weber's services in the Medical Department of the U.S. Army Manuscript Document Signed: "C.H. Crane" as Asst. Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1p, 7½x9¾. No place, no date.
Sale Price $250.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL CHARLES H. CRANE - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 05/23/1867 - HFSID 3545Charles H. Crane signs a manuscript document about Seth A. Holton's services in the Medical Department of the U.S. Army Manuscript Document Signed: "C.H. Crane" as Asst. Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1p, 7¾x9¾. No place, no date. Headed: "Military History of Seth A.…"
Price: $320.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL CHARLES H. CRANE - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 06/09/1869 - HFSID 3546Charles H. Crane signs a manuscript document about August Hoesten's services in the Medical Department of the U.S. Army Manuscript Document Signed: "C.H. Crane" as Asst. Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1p, 7¾x9¾. No place, no date.
Price: $320.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL CHARLES H. CRANE - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 07/05/1865 - HFSID 3537Charles H. Crane signs a manuscript document about Aristides Rodrigue's services in the Medical Department of the U.S. Army Manuscript Document Signed: "C.H. Crane" as Asst. Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1p, 8x9½. No place, no date.
Price: $420.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL CHARLES H. CRANE - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 10/10/1868 - HFSID 3542Charles H. Crane signs a manuscript document about Calvin Payne's services in the Medical Department of the U.S. Army Manuscript Document Signed: "C.H. Crane" as Asst. Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1p, 7¾x9¾. No place, no date.
Price: $320.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL CHARLES H. CRANE - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 10/11/1867 - HFSID 3539Charles H. Crane signs a manuscript document about Joseph Ross' services in the Medical Department of the U.S. Army Manuscript Document Signed: "C.H. Crane" as Asst. Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1p, 7¾x9½. No place, no date.
Sale Price $295.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL CHARLES H. CRANE - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 11/10/1865 - HFSID 3540Charles H. Crane signs a manuscript document about Augustus Pohlers' services in the Medical Department of the U.S. Army Manuscript DS: "C.H. Crane" as Asst. Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1p, 8x9½. No place, no date.
Sale Price $250.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL CHARLES H. CRANE - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 12/05/1865 - HFSID 3543Charles H. Crane signs a manuscript document about William H. Hyers' services in the Medical Department of the U.S. Army Manuscript Document Signed: "C.H. Crane" as Asst. Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1p, 7¾x9¾. No place, no date. Headed: "Military History of William H.…"
Price: $320.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL CHARLES H. CRANE - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 12/28/1866 - HFSID 3544Charles H. Crane signs a manuscript document about William Wuenz's services in the Medical Department of the U.S. Army Manuscript Document Signed: "C.H. Crane" as Asst. Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1p, 7¾x9¾. No place, no date.
Price: $320.00
SIR HUMPHRY DAVY - DOCUMENT SIGNED 08/24/1808 - HFSID 276383The English chemist, as Secretary of the Royal Society, regrets that the prestigious organization cannot publish a paper by mathemetician Robert Woodhouse at the moment, but it will be put into the Archives of the Society.
Sale Price $725.00
LEE DE FOREST - DOCUMENT SIGNED - HFSID 51571He signs his support for the Bricker Amendment Document Signed: "Lee de Forest", 3¾x8½. He has signed below a typed pledge which reads, in part: "I am supporting the Bricker Amendment and urge you to do so also.…"
Price: $450.00
LEE DE FOREST - DOCUMENT SIGNED 04/06/1954 - HFSID 251715The vacuum tube inventor signed this document in 1954 to give Ken Murray permission to photograph him and record his voice for the TV series Where Were You? Document Signed: "Lee de Forest" in blue ink. 1 page, 8½x11, on letterhead of Ken Murray Enterprises.
Price: $450.00
ALEXANDER DE SEVERSKY - CONTRACT SIGNED 07/11/1944 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 83356Aviator and aeronautical engineer who invented the bombsight. Partly Printed DS: "Alexander P. deSeversky" and "Anna Sosenko", 1p, 8½x13. New York, 1944 July 11. To appear on July 11, 1944 from 10:30 PM to 11 PM for $250 at NBC studios in New York.
Sale Price $325.00
GEORGE EASTMAN - CONTRACT SIGNED CIRCA 1909 - HFSID 266535George Eastman signs a letter of agreement for construction of a new building at Kodak Park Carbon Typed Document Signed: "Geo Eastman" on last page, 6¾p, 8x13, separate sheets, affixed to 8½x13¼ blue sheet. No place, 1909 May 11.
Price: $1,800.00
THOMAS A. EDISON - AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT UNSIGNED 09/27/1879 - HFSID 348032The famous inventor penned a section of answers on this questionnaire! Printed Questionnaire filled out by an assistant who has signed: "Thomas A. Edison" at the conclusion, but with 11 words in Edison's hand, 1p, 7¾x10½. J.K.
Price: $5,000.00
THOMAS A. EDISON - DOCUMENT SIGNED CIRCA 1925 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 253904Typed DS: "Thos A Edison" as Director, 1¼p, front and verso, 8x11. West Orange, N.J., 1925 June 11. Countersigned: "Charles Edison" as Chairman, "Fred W. Roh" as Assistant Secretary (initialed "HE" by Howard Eckert, Secretary) and "H.F. Miller", "J.V.…"
Price: $2,600.00
THOMAS A. EDISON - DOCUMENT SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 266284Typed DS: "Thos A Edison", "Charles Edison", "Henry Lanahan", "H.F. Miller" and "J.V. Miller" as Directors and "J.V. Miller" as Secretary, 1p, 8¼x11. No place, no date. Signature page of the minutes for the Board of Directors meeting of Edison Storage Battery Co.
Sale Price $1,495.00
JOHANN FRANZ ENCKE - AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT SIGNED - HFSID 277546Encke handwrote and signed this autograph document in un-translated Latin. Autograph document signed: "Commilitonibus honoratissinies/J. F Encke Prof." at top of document, 1 page, 6½x3¾. In Latin, un-translated.
Sale Price $625.00
ROBERT FULTON - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 11/03/1809 - HFSID 278467Fulton signed this document - buying 32 lots of land in the town of Jersey, New Jersey for $1,000 - in 1809. He signed it the same year that he filed his first patent for improvements in navigation by steam and one year after marrying his wife Harriet Livingston.
Price: $4,750.00