Scientists, Inventors & Medicine | Signatures
Top Signers
ALEXEI ABRIKOSOV - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 280323Nobel Prize-winner in Physicis (2003), Alexei Abrikosov signs a card Signature: "A Abrikosov", 5x3 card.
Price: $200.00
LOREN ACTON - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 264025The NASA Physicist adds the Challenger Space Shuttle to his signature Signature: "Loren Actor/STS 51F", 6x3. Signed on a slip bearing copies of 4 U.S. postage stamps. Physicist Loren Actor (b.
Price: $70.00
JOHN BERTRAM ADAMS - AUTOGRAPH 08/27/1965 - HFSID 143728Very rare! Signature of the British accelerator physicist Signature: "John B. Adams/27/8/65", 7¼x5½.
Sale Price $85.00
LOUIS AGASSIZ - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 17631Signature: "Ls Agassiz", 3x2. Born in French-speaking Switzerland and educated at European universities, Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) accepted a Professorship at Harvard (1848) and spent the rest of his life promoting American science.
Sale Price $625.00
LOUIS AGASSIZ - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 17632Small card signed by scientist Louis Agassiz Signature: "Ls Agassiz". 3½x2 card. Born in French-speaking Switzerland and educated at European universities, Agassiz (1807-1873) accepted a Professorship at Harvard (1848) and spent the rest of his life promoting American science.
Price: $240.00
LOUIS AGASSIZ - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 223475Signature of scientist Louis Agassiz, mounted on a printed autograph card Signature: "L Aggasiz". Pencil notations on verso of autograph card in unknown hand. 2¾x1¼, mounted to a 5x2¾ printed autograph card.
Price: $240.00
LOUIS AGASSIZ - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 225657Signature of scientist Louis Agassiz Signature: "L. Aggasiz". Black ink notations at bottom edge and lead pencil notations on verso, both in unknown hand. 4¼x2¼, mounted to a same-size sheet of paper. According to the notations, Agassiz wrote this signature in 1873.
Sale Price $215.00
LOUIS AGASSIZ - CLIPPED SIGNATURE - HFSID 80639Small clipped signature of scientist Louis Aggasiz Clipped signature: "L. Agassiz". Black ink notations in top corners in unknown hand. 2½x1½ , thin paper.
Price: $200.00
SIDNEY ALTMAN - AUTOGRAPH 09/13/2007 - HFSID 277663The Nobel Prize-winner in Chemistry (1989) signs and dates a 5x3 index card. Signature: "Sidney Altman/9-12-07", 5x3 index card.
Price: $90.00
SIDNEY ALTMAN - AUTOGRAPH 11/10/2008 - HFSID 281069The Nobel Prize-winner in Chemistry (1989) signs and dates this 5x3 index card Signature: "Sidney Altman/11-10-08", 5x3 index card.
Price: $90.00
NOAH S. AMSTUTZ - AUTOGRAPH 10/15/1936 - HFSID 190290Invented a precursor of the fax machine. Signature: "N. S. Amstutz/October 15, [193]6/{At} Valparaiso Ind", 4½x3½. Signer has written on verso under printed caption, "Biographical Sketch": "See Vol. 19 -1936=1937 of Who's Who in America". Noah S.
Price: $180.00
PHILIP W. ANDERSON - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 182025Nobel Prize-winner in Physics (1977), Philip W. Anderson signs printed card Signature: "Philip W. Anderson", 5x3 printed card. Harvard-educated Philip Anderson (born 1923) conducted research in physics at Bell Labs from 1949-1989.
Price: $80.00
PHILIP W. ANDERSON - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 279805Nobel Prize-winner in Physics (1977), Philip W. Anderson signs card Signature: "Philip W. Anderson", 5x3 index card. Harvard-educated Philip Anderson (born 1923) conducted research in physics at Bell Labs from 1949-1989.
Price: $80.00
PHILIP W. ANDERSON - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 281080The 1977 Nobel Prize-winner in Physics signed this card Signature: "Philip W./Anderson", 5x3 index card. Harvard-educated Philip Anderson (born 1923) conducted research in physics at Bell Labs from 1949-1989.
Price: $80.00
HOYT ANDRES - AUTOGRAPH 10/20 - HFSID 22422Signature: "Hoyt Andres - WKY-TV Oklahoma City/Bless you -", 9½x4. Dated by Andres: "Oct. 20" above his signature. Two unidentified signatures on verso.
Price: $80.00
KENNETH J. ARROW - AUTOGRAPH 01/30/2009 - HFSID 280315Nobel Prize in Economics - 1972 (ink signature) Signature: "Kenneth J. Arrow/01-30-09", 5x3 index card. American economist Kenneth J.
Price: $120.00
KENNETH J. ARROW - INSCRIBED SIGNATURE 11/10/2008 - HFSID 279798This card is signed by the Economics Nobel Prize winner! Inscribed signature: "To Matt Smith,/ Kenneth J. Arrow/ 10 November 2008", 5x3 index card. American economist Kenneth J.
Sale Price $105.00
LOUIS E. ATKINSON - CLIPPED SIGNATURE - HFSID 33920Signature of the Union army surgeon turned lawyer and politician Signature: "Louis E. Atkinson/Mifflintown,/Penna.", 7x4. Louis Evans Atkinson (1841-1910) was a Union Army surgeon during the Civil War.
Price: $160.00
JULIUS AXELROD - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 182022Signature of the Nobel Prize winner (Physiology or Medicine, 1970) Signature: "Julius Axelrod", 5x3 card.
Price: $160.00
DAVID BALTIMORE - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 280330David Baltimore a 1975 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine signs an index card in blue ink. Signature: "David Baltimore", 5x3 index card.
Sale Price $85.00
DAVID BALTIMORE - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 281071The 1975 Nobel Prize-winner in Physiology and Medicine penned his signature on this index card Signature: "David Baltimore", 5x3 card. David Baltimore's (b.
Price: $100.00
DAVID BALTIMORE - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 316970DAVID BALTIMORE David Baltimore, a 1975 Nobel Prize winner, signs an index card in blue ink. Signature: "David Baltimore", 6x4 index card.
Price: $100.00
FREDERICK A.P. BARNARD - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 17660Signing as President of Columbia College Signature: "F. A. P. Barnard", 4½x5. Signed on letterhead of the Resident's Room, Columbia College, New York.
Price: $90.00
WILLIAM (CHARLES WILLIAM) BEEBE - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 89925Signature: "William Beebe", 3¼x1½, affixed to 8½x11 sheet. Charles William Beebe (1877-1962), a naturalist who taught himself taxidermy while still a teenager, was affiliated with the Bronx Zoo in New York for over 50 years.
Sale Price $115.00
BARUJ BENACERRAF - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 33677Nobel Prize-winner in Medicine (1980), Baruj Benacerraf signs card Signature: "Baruj Benacerraf", 5x3 card.
Price: $80.00
PAUL BERG - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 182082The 1980 Nobel Prize winner signs on this 5x3 card in black ink Signature: "Paul Berg", 5x3 card with printed border.
Price: $120.00
J. MICHAEL BISHOP - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 277661Nobel Prize-winner for Physiology or Medicine (1989) signs on this 5x3 card in black ink Signature: "J M Bishop", 5x3 card. Bishop (b. 1936), an American immunologist and microbiologist, shared a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1989 with Harold E.
Price: $80.00
J. MICHAEL BISHOP - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 279807Card signed by the 1989 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine Signature: "J M Bishop", 5x3 index card. Bishop (b. 1936), an American immunologist and microbiologist, shared a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1989 with Harold E.
Price: $80.00
J. MICHAEL BISHOP - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 281091Nobel Prize-winner for Physiology or Medicine (1989) signs on this 5x3 card in black felt tip Signature: "J M Bishop". Pencil notations on verso in unknown hand. 5x3 index card. American immunologist and microbiologist Bishop (b.
Price: $80.00
BARON PATRICK M. S. BLACKETT - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 100740The Nobel Prize winner signs on this sheet barring The Royal Society London letterhead Signature: "P. M. S. Blackett", 5¾x8¼ sheet with letterhead of The Royal Society, London.
Price: $140.00