Folk Music | Cards
Top Signers
LONNIE DONEGAN - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 80349The musician's signature on a card naming him as a "leading exponent of 'Skiffle' music" Printed card signed in ink: "Lonnie Donegan" in blue ink, 3½x4½.
Price: $90.00
ARTHUR "MR. POPS" FIEDLER - BUSINESS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 157771Signature on the back of an (unrelated) business card Signature: "Arthur Fiedler", 3½x2 business card. Printed text on verso advertises the Compressed Steel Shafting Co. of Readville, Mass. Fiedler (1894-1979) was a Boston institution and one of its most beloved natives.
Sale Price $85.00
BOB SAVAGE - CHRISTMAS / HOLIDAY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 26842The small time crooner from the 1950s signs this card with a sentiment to Radio/TV host George Sanders Holiday Card Signed: "So it's advertisement- Merry Christmas anyway/George-/Bob Savage" in black ink.
Price: $200.00
SHIRLEY TEMPLE - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 314145The actress signs on a 3½x5½ picture post card, with her secretary typing on the verso that there are currently no new pictures of Mrs. Agar's (Temple's) newborn Picture post card signed: "Shirley Temple Agar", in black ink, 3½x5½. Culver City, California.
Price: $300.00