Pop Music | Checks
Top Signers
SAMMY CAHN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/17/1972 - HFSID 270886Sammy Cahn signs a check to pay Plymouth Music Company $1.79. Check signed: "Sammy Cahn", 7½x3½. Los Angeles, California, 1972 March 17. Drawn on his account at City National Bank of Beverly Hills, payable to Plymouth Music Co. Inc. for $1.79.
Sale Price $165.00
SAMMY CAHN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 06/21/1974 - HFSID 345568This check was signed by the immensely popular songwriter to pay a business associated with his theater work Check Signed: “Sammy C.” in black ink on a 6x2¾ check. Dated June 21, 1974. Payable to “Charlie's Rest.” for $30.
Price: $200.00
JIMMY "LITTLE JIMMY" DICKENS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/31/1967 - HFSID 66994The country star signs this check for $50 made out to his wife Ernestine, signed with his birth name Check signed: "James C Dickens" in blue ink and endorsed on verso: "Mrs. Jimmy Dickens" in black felt. 6x2¾. March 31, 1967. Drawn from the account of James C.
Price: $280.00
JIMMY "LITTLE JIMMY" DICKENS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 04/11/1967 - HFSID 66995The country star signs this check for $23 with his birth name Check signed: "James C. Dickens" in blue ink. 6x2¾. April 11, 1967. Drawn from the account of James C. Dickens at Third National Bank in Nashville, Tennessee. Payable for $23.00 to William T. Akers.
Price: $280.00
JIMMY "LITTLE JIMMY" DICKENS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 04/11/1967 - HFSID 66996The country star signs this check for $12 with his birth name Check signed: "James C. Dickens" in blue ink. 6x2¾. April 11, 1967. Drawn from the account of James C. Dickens at Third National Bank in Nashville, Tennessee. Payable for $12.00 to Inglewood-Madison Fire Dept.
Sale Price $225.00
JIMMY "LITTLE JIMMY" DICKENS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 04/17/1967 - HFSID 67007The country music singer fills out and signs a check to Inglewood Hardware for $86.48 Check signed: "James C. Dickens", 6x2¾. Nashville, Tennessee, 1967 April 17. Drawn on the Third National Bank, payable to Inglewood Hardware for $86.48.
Price: $280.00
JIMMY "LITTLE JIMMY" DICKENS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 04/18/1967 - HFSID 66998The country star signs this check for $16.30 with his birth name Check signed: "James C. Dickens" in blue ink. 6x2¾. April 18, 1967. Drawn from the account of James C. Dickens at Third National Bank in Nashville, Tennessee. Payable for $16.30 to Cash.
Price: $280.00
BENNY GOODMAN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 04/09/1957 - HFSID 278519Goodman signed this check in 1957 to pay $1,400 in federal taxes Check signed "Benny Goodman" in blue ink. 8¼x3, perforated top and left edges. April 5, 1957. Check No 15941 for $1,400.
Price: $500.00
DOBIE GRAY - CHECK ENDORSED 02/27/1968 - HFSID 38731The singer of the hit 1970's single "Drift Away" endorses a Los Angeles AFTRA Federal Credit Union check payable to him for 250.00. Check endorsed: "Dobie Gray", 8½x3½. Hollywood, California, 1968 February 27.
Sale Price $105.00
DOBIE GRAY - CHECK ENDORSED 10/22/1968 - HFSID 38702The singer of the hit 1970's single "Drift Away" endorses a Los Angeles AFTRA Federal Credit Union check payable to him for 300.00. Check endorsed: "Deposit to Acct/Dobie Gray/#063663", 8½x3½. Hollywood, California, 1968 October 22.
Price: $120.00
JACK GREENE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 08/24/1967 - HFSID 66143The country music star signed this check made out to a cleaning company Partly Printed Check filled out and signed: "Jack Greene", 8¼x3. Nashville, Tenn., 1967 August 24. Check No. 19, drawn on the First American National Bank, payable to Kleen-A-Matic for $4.16.
Price: $200.00
HILDEGARDE - CHECK ENDORSED - HFSID 278432The lounge singer who became famous worldwide endorsed this check Check endorsed: "Hildegarde", 6¼x2¾. New York, New York, February 3, 1968. Check No.
Sale Price $165.00
CHARLIE LOUVIN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/05/1979 - HFSID 66320The talented country singer writes and signs this check in 1979 Check Signed: "Charlie Louvin" 7x3. March 5, 1979, Charlie Louvin Enterprises check #900 payable to Sal Salamanca for $42.65 drawn on check Commerce Union Bank, Nashville, Tennessee.
Price: $180.00
CHARLIE LOUVIN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/19/1979 - HFSID 66326Country singer writes and signs check in 1979 Check Signed: "Charlie Louvin" 7x3. 1979 March 19. Charlie Louvin Enterprises Check #909 Payable to Blaine Sprouse for $106.33 drawn on check Commerce Union Bank, Nashville, Tennessee.
Sale Price $150.00
TONY MARTIN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/29/1962 - HFSID 343236The singer signs this check for $200 made out to Arthur P. Jacobs, a significant film producer of the 1960s and 1970s who worked on the Planet of the Apes series, Doctor Dolittle, and Play It Again, Sam Check signed: "Tony Martin" 9x3½.
Price: $320.00
TONY MARTIN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 04/11/1962 - HFSID 280489He signs a $276.12 check to a flower shop, drawing on his joint account with spouse Cyd Charisse. Check signed: "Tony Martin", 9x3½. Beverly Hills, California, 1962 April 11.
Price: $320.00
COLE PORTER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 11/08/1946 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 255692His signed check for $300, payable to his secretary, and endorsed by her on verso! Check Signed: "Cole Porter", 6¼x2¾. Peru, Indiana, 1946 November 8. Check No. 61, drawn on the Wabash Valley Trust, payable to Margaret Moore for $300.
Price: $1,200.00
COLE PORTER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/18/1946 - HFSID 278523Signed 1946 check, payable to R. C. Kelly for $100! Check signed: "Cole Porter", 6¼x2¾. Peru, Indiana, 1946 December 18. Check No. 65, drawn on his "special account" at the Wabash Valley Trust Company, payable to R. C. Kelly for $100.
Sale Price $995.00
JIM "GENTLEMAN JIM" REEVES - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 01/07/1960 - HFSID 269431Partly Printed Check signed: "Jim Reeves", 7x3. Madison, Tennessee, 1960 January 7. Drawn on his "Jim Reeves Enterprises" account at the Third National Bank in Nashville, payable to Phillips Petroleum Co. for $13.17. Matted by unknown individual to 11x14.
Price: $475.00
DINAH SHORE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 08/12/1974 - HFSID 342489Check signed by the 1940's actress in black ink, dated 1974 Check signed: "Dinah Shore", in black ink, 8½x3½. August 12, 1974. Check no. 8320 drawn on the account of Dinah Shore at City National Bank in Beverly Hills, California. Payable to R.H.
Price: $220.00
DINAH SHORE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 08/30/1977 - HFSID 263063A check signed by the actress to City National Bank for the amount of $870.63 Check signed: "Dinah Shore", 8¼x3¼. Beverly Hills, California, 1977 August 30. Check No. 11857.
Price: $220.00
DINAH SHORE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 11/30/1977 - HFSID 280486$40 check signed by singer Dinah Shore in 1977 Check signed: "Dinah Shore" in red ink. 8¼x3¼. Nov. 30, 1977. Check no.
Sale Price $175.00
KAYE STEVENS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 09/05/1979 - HFSID 343234The Golden Globe-nominated actress signs her name on this check for $1200.00 to the Ray Noval Orchestra Check signed: "Kaye Stevens" in green ink. 8¼x3¼. September 5, 1979. Check no.
Sale Price $150.00
KAYE STEVENS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 09/10/1979 - HFSID 342434KAYE STEVENS The soap opera actress signs personal check for $28.00 in blue ink Check signed: "Kaye Stevens" in blue ink. 6x2¾. September 10, 1979. Check no. 1362 drawn from the account of Kaye Stevens at City National Trust in Beverley Hills, California. Payable for $28.
Price: $180.00
KAYE STEVENS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 11/21/1979 - HFSID 274101Golden Globe-nominated singer and actress Kaye Stevens signed this $15.06 check to Florida Power & Light Company in 1979. Check signed: "Kaye Stevens" in blue ink. 8¼x3¼. Nov. 21, 1979. Check no. 3553 for $15.
Sale Price $150.00
KAYE STEVENS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 11/27/1979 - HFSID 343451The red headed Golden Globe nominated actress signs her name on this check for $3.00 Check signed: "Kaye Stevens" in black felt tip. 6x2¾. November 27, 1979. Check no. 1369 drawn from the account of Kaye Stevens at City National Trust in Beverley Hills, California.
Price: $180.00
MARCIA STRASSMAN - CHECK ENDORSED 03/22/1975 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 40412The Honey I Shrunk the Kids actress endorses a check from The Wolper Organization Inc. for $553.02 Check Endorsed: "Marcia Strassman", in green ink, 7½x3½. Los Angeles, California, March 22, 1975. Check No.
Price: $220.00
MARCIA STRASSMAN - PAYCHECK ENDORSED 04/17/1975 - HFSID 389251975 Wolper Organization payroll check, endorsed by the actress, for $1,349.74, who began her role as Julie Kotter in Welcome Back Kotter, a Wolper Productions show, the year this check was made out. Paycheck endorsed: "Marcia Strassman" in green ink. 7½x3½.
Price: $220.00
MEL TORME - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/06/1989 - HFSID 345860The well-loved entertainer pens his name on this check written to his father for $100.00 Check signed: "Mel Torme" in blue ink, 8¼x3½. March 6, 1989. Check no.
Price: $280.00
MEL TORME - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 11/28/1989 - HFSID 342504The famed entertainer signs this check for $2000.00 in blue ink Check signed: "Mel Torme" in blue ink, 8¼x3½. November 28, 1989. Check no. 1209 drawn from the account of Mel Torme Productions, Inc. at City National Bank in Beverly Hills, California.
Price: $280.00