Music | Lobby Cards
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REX ALLEN - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 284331Inscribed lobby card for Down Laredo Way, in which the actor is pictured slugging Roy Barcroft Inscribed Lobby Card signed: "'For Jim'/Rex Allen", in black ink, color, 14x11.
Price: $200.00
REX ALLEN - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 322497The actor signs a lobby card promoting his film, Rodeo King and the Senorita Inscribed Lobby Card signed: "To/Claude-/Rex Allen", in black felt tip, colorized, 14x11.
Price: $200.00
REX ALLEN - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 322498Lobby card for the 1951 film featuring the actor and his "Wonder Horse", Ko Ko Inscribed Lobby Card signed: "Howdy/ Claude/ Rex Allen/ and/ "Ko Ko"", in blue ink, colorized, 13½x11.
Sale Price $165.00
REX ALLEN - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 255821Color lobby card for 1953's Republic western Down Laredo Way, with the famed "Arizona Cowboy" and his frequent sidekick Slim Pickens. The actor signs for himself and for his horse Koko too! Lobby card signed: "Rex Allen/and/'Ko Ko'".
Price: $200.00
REX ALLEN - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 260212Signed lobby card for the 1950 film Under Mexicali Stars Lobby Card signed: "Rex Allen", in black felt tip, color, 14x11. Pictured in his starring role in the film Under Mexicali Stars (1950).
Sale Price $165.00
REX ALLEN - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 32249613½x11 lobby card for the 1950 film The Arizona Cowboy, the origin of the actor's nickname Lobby Card signed: "Rex Allen", in black ink, colorized, 13½x11.
Price: $200.00
DORIS DAY - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED 1949 - HFSID 251047Doris Day signs a 14x11 color lobby card for her movie My Dream is Yours to a fan. Lobby Card inscribed and signed: "To Jim/love/Doris Day". Color, 14x11. Publicity lobby card for My Dream is Yours, ©1949 Warner Bros. Pictures.
Sale Price $325.00
DORIS DAY - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 250488DORIS DAY Doris Day signs a 14x11 color lobby card fort the movie The Pajama Game. Lobby Card signed: "love,/Doris Day." Color, 14x11.
Sale Price $295.00
OLIVER DRAKE - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED 1981 - HFSID 344602This color 14x11 lobby card for the Western film Lawless Valley is signed by the director Inscribed lobby card signed: "To my very good friend,/Clint Brown-/Best regards,/Oliver Drake/-81" in black ink. 14x11.
Price: $320.00
OLIVER DRAKE - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED 1984 - HFSID 344620The acclaimed writer and director of Westerns signs this 14x10 lobby card for the 1938 film Border G-Man Inscribed Lobby Card Signed: "To Clint/A Very good pal-/Oliver Drake/-84" in black ink. 14x10. Color lobby card for the film Border G-Man starring George O'Brien.
Sale Price $250.00
SHUG FISHER - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED 09/28/1983 - HFSID 32360214x11 signed and inscribed lobby card for the 1949 Western Susanna Pass. Very Rare! Inscribed Lobby Card signed: "To Clint/ My Best/ Shug Fisher" Color, 14x11. Lobby card for the Western Susanna Pass (1949) staring Roy Rogers.
Price: $380.00
HENRY GIBSON - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 291970Color 14x11 Lobby Card for the 1981 film Tulips signed "Best Wishes" Lobby Card Signed: "Best Wishes/Henry Gibson" Color, 14x11. American actor Gibson (1935-2009) appeared in over 130 movies and TV shows between 1963 and 2008.
Price: $180.00
MONTE HALE - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 14415313¾x10¾ color lobby card of the 1947 Republic western Last Frontier Uprising, starring and signed by singing cowboy Monte Hale Lobby card signed: "Monte Hale". Color, 13¾x10¾ overall, image12¾x10 (one surface).
Sale Price $175.00
RICHARD HARRIS - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 269461Harris signs a lobby card from the musical Camelot Lobby Card signed: "Richard Harris". Color, 14x11 overall, image 10¼x7½ (one surface). Promoting the 1967 musical, Camelot, which starred Harris as King Arthur (Harris won a Golden Globe for the role).
Price: $250.00
RICHARD HARRIS - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 269468Harris signs a lobby card promoting the film musical Camelot Lobby Card signed: "Richard/Harris". Color, 14x11 overall, image 10¼x7½ (one surface). Promoting the 1967 musical, Camelot, which starred Harris as King Arthur (Harris won a Golden Globe for the role).
Price: $250.00
RICHARD HARRIS - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 269469Harris signs a lobby card with a still image from the musical Camelot Lobby Card signed: "Richard Harris". Color, 14x11 overall, image 10¼x7½ (one surface).
Sale Price $215.00
BOB HOPE - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 252157Color lobby card for Bob Hope's movie Bachelor in Paradise. Lobby Card signed: "Bob Hope". Color, 14x10½. Movie still from the film Bachelor in Paradise, ©1961, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Bob Hope (1903-2003) was Adam J.
Price: $240.00
TAB HUNTER - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 8989511x5 lobby card for the 1981 film Polyester. Lobby Card signed: "Tab Hunter". Color, 11x5. Five stills from the film Polyester, ©New Line Cinema, 1981. The comedy co-starred Hunter along with the corpulent female impersonator, Divine.
Sale Price $225.00
VAN JOHNSON - LOBBY CARD SIGNED 1987 - HFSID 255835Lobby Card signed: "Peace -/Van Johnson/[smiling face]/87". Color, 14x11. Lobby card for the 1957 film, Action of the Tiger, which starred Johnson as Carson. ©1957, Loew's Incorporated.
Price: $240.00
GENE KELLY - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 250494Gene Kelly signs a color 14x11 lobby card for Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Lobby Card signed: "Gene Kelly." Color, 14x11. Promotion for the 1949 M-G-M musical, Take Me Out to the Ball Game, which starred Kelly as Eddie O'Brien.
Price: $450.00
GENE KELLY - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 252151Gene Kelly signs a 14x11 lobby card for the promotion of the 1949 M-G-M musical, Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Lobby Card signed: "Gene Kelly". Color, 14x11 overall, image 12¾x9 (one surface).
Price: $400.00
FRANKIE LAINE - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 323626The actor and singer signs 14x11 lobby card from his film When You're Smiling in blue ink Inscribed lobby card signed: "To Clint - Thanx - Frankie Laine" in blue felt tip. Colorized 14x11 lobby card from his film When You're Smiling (1950).
Price: $320.00
JOHN LITHGOW - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 280845Color publicity lobby card of John Lithgow in a scene from Twilight Zone - The Movie. Lobby Card signed: "John Lithgow". Color, 14x11 overall, image 13½x9½ (one surface). Lobby card from the film Twilight Zone - The Movie, ©1983 Warner Bros.
Sale Price $105.00
LIZA MINNELLI - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 350373The actress and singer has signed a lobby card for her production Liza at the Rivera Hotel & Casino. Lobby Card Inscribed and signed: "To [undiscernible] / Love, /Liza /Minnelli / [drawn smiling face]", in black ink, 19½ x 27½ visible.
Price: $600.00
NELL O'DAY - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 323592Colorized 14x11 lobby card for Man from Montana, signed by leading leady Nell O'Day with wishes of happiness Inscribed lobby card signed: "To Clinton-/Good thoughts/always for happiness/from/Nell O'Day", Colorized 14x11.
Price: $300.00
NELL O'DAY - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 344591The film and stage actress known for her roles in Westerns signs this 14x10 lobby card advertising Son of Roaring Dan in bright color Inscribed lobby card signed: "To Clinton:/good thoughts for/happiness from/Nell O'Day" in black ink. 14x10.
Sale Price $245.00
DOYE O'DELL - INSCRIBED LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 323636The popular western actor signs 14x11 lobby card from his film Under California Stars in blue ink Inscribed lobby card signed: "To Clint - Best always/ From your friend/ Doye O'Nell/ & thanks for the/ pictures" in blue ink.
Sale Price $250.00
GREGORY PECK - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 167033The actor is shown in a scene from the 1969 film The Chairman in this 14x11 lobby card. Lobby Card signed: "Gregory Peck". Color, 14x11. ©1968. Peck played American Dr.
Price: $300.00
GREGORY PECK - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 17431614x11 lobby card for the 1951 film Captain Horatio Hornblower signed by the Academy Award winner. Lobby Card signed: "Gregory Peck". B/w, 14x11. Movie still from Captain Horatio Hornblower.
Price: $300.00
GREGORY PECK - LOBBY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 174322The Academy Award winning actor is shown on a 14x11 lobby card for the 1978 film The Boys from Brazil. Lobby Card signed: "Gregory/Peck". Color, 14x11. Movie still from The Boys from Brazil. © 1978 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation.
Price: $300.00