Music | Magazine Covers
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MARIAN ANDERSON - MAGAZINE SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 178106The singer signs her photograph in a promotional magazine for artists and her accompanist signs his own page. Magazine signed: "Marian Anderson" beneath color photograph of the contralto on the first page, 24 pages, 8¾x11½.
Price: $440.00
BRIGITTE BARDOT - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 153864Brigitte Bardot signs the cover to the "Sunday Express" magazine. Magazine Cover signed: "Brigitte Bardot". Color, 7¾x10¼. "Sunday Express" magazine, 1984 September 2. Cover story: "Bardot: The astonishing life of the sexiest star of French filmdom, 50 this month.…"
Price: $240.00
CHUCK BERRY - MAGAZINE SIGNED - HFSID 300227The rock-and-roll hall-of-famer is shown in full view on the cover of St. Louis magazine Magazine Signed: "C Berry". 208 pages, 8x11. St. Louis magazine, April 2012, showing a white-clad Chuck Berry, guitar-in-hand, on the cover. Cover story: "the 100 GREATEST MUSICIANS in ST.…"
Price: $240.00
SIR RUDOLPH BING - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 182691Sept. 23, 1966 cover of Time magazine signed by opera impresario Bing. This cover features a Henry Koerner color painting of Bing from the chest up in suit-and-tie and the cover story "Grander Days for Grand Opera". Magazine cover signed "Rudolph Bing".
Price: $280.00
PAT BOONE - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 215119Pat and Debby Boone inscribe the complete issue of the April 1979 "The Saturday Evening Post" magazine. Magazine inscribed and signed: "Selwyn-your friend/Pat Boone" and "To Selwyn/God Bless!/Debby/Boone", 146p, color, 8¼x10¾.
Price: $360.00
PAT BOONE - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 27158Pat Boone and Debby Boone sign the cover of the July 25, 1978, issue of "The Star" magazine. Magazine Cover signed: "Pat/Boone" and "Debby/Boone". Color, 10¾x13¼.
Price: $360.00
SMILEY (LESTER) BURNETTE - COMIC BOOK SIGNED - HFSID 324712Smiley Burnette signs a 1965 Petticoat Junction comic book by Dell publishers. Comic book signed: "Smiley Burnette", in pencil. 7x10, 35 pages. Petticoat Junction comic book by Dell Publishers, Apr-June (1965).
Price: $240.00
JUDY COLLINS - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 296956Inscribed cover of Ms. magazine from April 1973, featuring a full-page image of Collins Magazine Cover inscribed and signed: "To Martin/best wishes,/Judy Collins", 8½x11. Ms. magazine for April, 1973, signed above his picture.
Sale Price $115.00
BARBARA DANIELS - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE SIGNED - HFSID 345147The famous Operatic soprano signs “With warm best wishes” this magazine cover for an admirer in golden ink Inscribed Magazine Signed: “To Ray/ With war/best/wishes/Barbara/Daniels” in golden ink. 8¼x11. Barbara Daniels (b.
Sale Price $105.00
JOHN DAVIDSON - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 215115The actor and game show host signs the August 25, 1980 cover of "People" magazine to a fan Inscribed Magazine Cover signed: "To/ My Friend/ Selwyn/ John/ Davidson", in black ink, color, 8¼x10¾.
Sale Price $105.00
MAC DAVIS - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 215110Davis on the cover of "People Weekly" shirtless standing outside in front of trees Inscribed magazine cover signed: "For my/friend Selwyn/Regards/Mac Davis". Color, 8¼x10¾. Cover of "People weekly", May 26, 1980 issue.
Price: $220.00
DIETRICH FISCHER-DIESKAU - MAGAZINE SIGNED - HFSID 76164April 1972 issue of Performing Arts magazine, signed by the gifted bass-baritone Magazine Signed: "Fischer-Dieskau" 56p, b/w and color, 8x10¾, bound with two staples. Copy of the April 1972 edition of Performing Arts.
Sale Price $150.00
GIGI GALON - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 297816The Filipina singer is shown on the cover of a local entertainment magazine. Magazine Cover signed: "Gigi Galon", 8½x11. She has signed her picture on the cover of Where, the entertainment magazine of the Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, Week of April 14, 1973.
Price: $90.00
MICKEY GILLEY - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 216700He's shown on the cover of November 1976 issue of Nashville Sound Inscribed Magazine Cover signed: "To Larry/Good Luck/Mickey/Gilley". Color, 7¾x9¾. "Nashville Sound" magazine, 1976 November. Captioned "Mickey Gilley".
Sale Price $150.00
TITO GOBBI - MAGAZINE SIGNED CIRCA 1955 - HFSID 141818October 1955 edition of the British magazine Opera, with an article on baritone Tito Gobbi signed in blue ink Magazine signed "Tito Gobbi" in blue ink on page 13 (numbered 619). B/w, 72 pages, 5½x8½, bound with two staples. October 1955 edition (Vol. 6, No.
Sale Price $135.00
JULIE HARRIS - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED 12/1966 - HFSID 25379Inscribed signature on the cover of Time Magazine, featuring the actress as the star of Broadway's Joan of Arc Inscribed Magazine Cover signed: "To Barbara/with my/love./Julie/Harris/Dec.1966". Color, 7¾x11. From "Time" magazine, 1955 November 28.
Price: $220.00
REX HARRISON - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 259226Rex Harrison signs the complete issue of the September 30, 1966 issue of "Life" magazine. Magazine signed: "Best wishes/Rex Harrison", 140p, 10¼x13½. Complete September 30, 1966 issue of "Life" magazine picturing Harrison on a giraffe.
Price: $675.00
HAWKSHAW (HAROLD) HAWKINS - MAGAZINE SIGNED - HFSID 279464He signs his picture on the cover of an intact Hillbilly News. Magazine signed: "Hawkshaw Hawkins" in pencil, 24 pages, 7¼x10¾ all intact. Signed on his reproduced photo on the front cover of The Hillbilly News: The Radio Entertainers Magazine.
Price: $280.00
HILDEGARDE - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 295032The singer left a message and signed this cover of Call Board magazine, by a photo of her at her 80th birthday concert in Carnegie Hall Magazine Cover inscribed and signed: "To dear Shirley and Edward/With love and tremendous admiration/Blessings!…"
Sale Price $250.00
HILDEGARDE - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 205070The nightclub singer signed this 1986 winter edition of Call Board magazine that features her on the cover Magazine signed: "Bless you!/Hildegarde", 6p, 8½x11. Call Board magazine (Official Publication of the Catholic Actors Guild of America), Winter 1986.
Price: $320.00
EUGENE HOLMES - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED CIRCA 1974 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 76167The famous opera singers sign this magazine cover about the opera in three acts “Tosca” performed by the San Diego Opera Inscribed Magazine Cover Signed: “Eugene Holmes”, Bliss Hebert”, “Ermonno Mauro” and “To dear Janis/
Sale Price $250.00
HUEY LEWIS & THE NEWS (HUEY LEWIS) - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 180763The leader of Huey Lewis and the News signs the cover to the January 19, 1987, People magazine. Magazine cover inscribed and signed: "Tom/Yes!/Huey Lewis". Color, 8x10¾. "People", January 19, 1987.
Price: $180.00
TONY JACKLIN - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 158301This cover of The Golf Journal from July of 1970 featuring photographs of the golfer is signed in black felt tip Magazine cover signed: “Tony Jacklin” in black felt. 7¾x11¾. Cover of The Golf Journal, July 1970. English golfer Tony Jacklin (b.
Price: $220.00
TONY JACKLIN - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 158303Tony Jacklin signs a magazine cover for "Golf", August 1970. Magazine Cover signed: "Tony Jacklin". Color, 7½x10½. Cover of "Golf" magazine, August 1970. Cover story: "New U.S. Open Champ Tony Jacklin tells his secret - 'How I use the legs for a slower tempo.…"
Sale Price $175.00
SENA JURINAC - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 161374The operatic soprano pens her name on this magazine cover Inscribed Magazine Cover signed: “For Valentin/ Sena Jurinac ”, in blue ink, b/w, 4¾x7¾. Cover removed from the April 1961 publication of Opera magazine showing Jurinac full view with Jon Vickers in Fidelo.
Price: $200.00
JENNIFER LOPEZ - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 264627The performer shown on the cover of Details Magazine (11x14) Magazine Cover signed: "Jennifer Lopez". Color, 11x14.
Price: $260.00
BARBARA MANDRELL - INSCRIBED MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 215105She signs the cover of The Saturday Evening Post, April '82 edition. Inscribed Magazine Cover signed: "To/Selwyn -/Love,/Barbara Mandrell". Color, 8¼x10¾. "Saturday Evening Post" magazine, 1982 April. Cover story: "Barbara Mandrell's Faith".
Sale Price $115.00
RICKY MARTIN - MAGAZINE SIGNED - HFSID 257488International superstar "livin' la vida loca". Magazine signed: "Thanks/R. Martin". "Rolling Stone" magazine, 92p, 10x12, Issue 818, August 6, 1999. Cover story: "Ricky Gets Deep Talking Sex, Love, Marriage & Yoga".
Price: $340.00
ZINKA MILANOV - MAGAZINE SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 100065July 1956 issue of the British magazine Opera, signed by Milanov on the cover. Milanov is pictured on the cover of this magazine as Tosca. Also signed by four other opera singers, conductors and impresarios inside.
Sale Price $175.00
OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN - MAGAZINE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 180765Olivia Newton-John signs the cover of the April 21, 1980 issue of "People" magazine. Magazine Cover signed: "Love/Olivia Newton-John". Color, 8x10¾.
Sale Price $165.00