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LINA BASQUETTE - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 36416She signs brochure promoting her upcoming autobiography Pamphlet signed: "Lina Basquette", 4p, 7x8½. Titled, "Lina Basquette: Her Story, a brochure promoting her autobiography, on sale Fall, 1984.…"
Price: $160.00
CARLO BERGONZI - PAMPHLET SIGNED 1966 - HFSID 286874Signed Autograph Note in Italian, written on the brochure of his restaurant and inn in Busseto, Italy Autograph Note signed: "Carlo Bergonzi/1966", 4½x9½ folded, 13¼x9½ open flat. In Italian, loosely translated. He thanks someone for attending his inn.
Price: $180.00
STUART BURROWS - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 161379The Welsh tenor signs this program from a performance of his complete discography Pamphlet signed: "Stuart Burrows" in blue ink. 4x8¾. Pamphlet for Stuart Burrows: Complete Discography. Stuart Burrows (b. 1933) is a Welsh operatic tenor.
Sale Price $150.00
LIONEL HAMPTON - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 180748Pamphlet signed: "Good/Luck./Lionel/Hampton" on front cover, 8p, 5½x8½. Titled: "Lionel Hampton/Workshop in/Jazz History". Mailer for Hampton's workshop at the Lionel Hampton School of Music at the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, to be held from June 8-12, 1987.
Price: $180.00
EARTHA KITT - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 312985The famed actress signs her name in black ink on this 5½x8½ pamphlet Pamphlet signed: "Eartha Kitt". Color, 5½x8½. 4 pages. The pamphlet promotes the production of Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella.
Price: $180.00
ERNST KRENEK - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 31594Copy of the pamphlet Modal Counterpoint in the Style of the Sixteenth Century, signed by composer Ernst Krenek on the title page Pamphlet signed: "Ernst Krenek" on title page. 22 page, 6x9. Titled: "Modal Counterpoint in the Style of the Sixteenth Century".
Price: $160.00
ERNST KRENEK - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 31595Copy of the pamphlet Tonal Counterpoint in the Style of the Eighteenth Century, signed by composer Ernst Krenek on the title page Pamphlet signed "Ernst Krenek" on title page. Black ink mark on title page in unknown hand. 44 page, 6x8¾.
Sale Price $135.00
GAIL KUBIK - INSCRIBED PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 181692Informative pamphlet with a select list of the composer's body of work and awards earned, signed in blue ink Inscribed Pamphlet Signed: "For Mr. William W. Stanhope/ cordially/Gail Kubik" in blue ink.
Sale Price $165.00
THE LETTERMEN - INSCRIBED PAMPHLET SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 180771The Las Vegas singing trio penned their signatures in this pamphlet to a fan Inscribed Pamphlet Signed: “Lonnie - hope to see you/ again./ Lettermen/ Gary Pike”, “Donny/ Pike”, and “Love/ Tom Bukala”. 7¾x7¼ (folded).
Sale Price $250.00
OTTO LUENING - INSCRIBED PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 202674He inscribes and signs by his image on the front cover of a pamphlet for BMI Pamphlet inscribed and signed: "Otto Luening/for Norah Zale", 46 pages, 4x9.
Price: $160.00
PIETRO MASCAGNI - PAMPHLET SIGNED CIRCA 1927 - HFSID 154632Pietro Mascagni signs a pamphlet for a charity fundraiser in Vienna. Pamphlet signed: "P. Mascagni", 3½x5½ overall, image 2¾x2¾ (one surface) card. Italian composer and conductor Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945) was thrust into fame by fate.
Price: $600.00
ROD MCKUEN - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 201626He signs this numbered 743 copy of a folio of eight of his poems Pamphlet Signed: "Rod McKuen", 4p, front and verso, 8½x11. Numbered folio of eight of his poems numbered 743.
Sale Price $175.00
ROD MCKUEN - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 203298He signs this numbered 743 copy of a folio of his poem Who was the winner of our discontent? Pamphlet signed: "Rod McKuen", 4p, front and verso, 8½x11. Numbered folio of his poem Who was the winner of our discontent? numbered 743.
Price: $220.00
ROD MCKUEN - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 223404He signs this numbered 743 copy of a folio of six of his poems Pamphlet signed: "Rod McKuen", 4p, front and verso, 8½x11. Numbered folio of six of his poems numbered 743.
Sale Price $175.00
ANDREW MCMAHON - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 296078The founder of Jack's Mannequin signs their The Glass Passenger CD pamphlet Pamphlet Signed: "Andrew McMahon/[drawn star] " 5x5, 14 pages. Musician Andrew McMahon (b.1982) is the lead vocalist and pianist of popular pop punk bands Something Corporate and Jack's Mannequin.
Price: $180.00
WAYNE NEWTON - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 303965Color pamphlet for "Mr. Las Vegas" and for Ray Stevens both appearing at The Wayne Newton Theatre Program Signed: "Wayne". Color, 4x9 folded, 8x9 unfolded. Wayne Newton (b. 1942) began performing at an early age - mastering the piano, guitar and steel guitar at age 6.
Price: $200.00
VINCENT PERSICHETTI - INSCRIBED PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 181676He inscribes and signs a pamphlet containing his biography Pamphlet inscribed and signed: "All good wishes to William Stanhope/Vincent Persichetti". 16p, 5½x8½. Pamphlet containing a brief printed biography and a listing of his works.
Sale Price $175.00
JOHN TRAVOLTA - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 290199CD pamphlet for the soundtrack from the 1995 film White Man's Burden Pamphlet signed: "John Travolta", 4¾x4¾, CD soundtrack pamphlet for the 1995 film White Man's Burden.
Price: $160.00
ROBERT WARD - PAMPHLET SIGNED - HFSID 156878The Pulitzer Prize-winning composer signs below his image on the front cover of a pamphlet. Pamphlet signed: "Robert Ward", 6 pages, 4x9. Signed on front cover.
Price: $200.00