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CARL W. ACKERMAN - CALLING CARD SIGNED 02/16/1946 - HFSID 112518The educator and journalist signed this calling card in black ink and dated it February 16, 1946 Calling Card Signed: "Carl W. Ackerman". 2½x4. Dated February 16, 1946. Typed Credentials in Full (translated from Spanish): "Carl W.…"
Price: $160.00
CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS III - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 322272A signature from Adams on a printed card for his position as Secretary of the Navy Printed card signed: "C F Adams", in black ink, 5½x3½ affixed to a 6x4½ sheet. Charles Francis Adams III (1866-1954), the grandson of President John Q.
Price: $260.00
GEORGE D. AIKEN - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 34212Senator of Vermont signs in black ink on this 5x3½ card baring a gold emblem Printed Card Signed in Ink: "Geo D Aiken/Vermont", 5x3½ card with gold embossed emblem at top. George David Aiken (1892-1984) was a politician and farmer from Vermont.
Price: $100.00
ROBERTO P. ALEMANN - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 46764The Argentine political figure pens his name and title on this stunning picture postcard Picture Postcard Signed: "R.P. Alemann" with "Roberto P. Alemann/ Ministro de Economia/ Republica Argentina" printed beneath in bright blue ink, color, 6x4.
Price: $180.00
ROBERTO P. ALEMANN - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED 01/13/1982 - HFSID 46763The Argentine economist signs this picture postcard Picture Postcard Signed: "R.P. Alemann" with "Roberto P. Alemann/ Ministro de Economia/ Buenos Aires/ Republica Argentina/ 13/1/1982" printed beneath in bright blue ink, color, 6x4.
Price: $180.00
HARDY AMIES - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT ON CALLING CARD SIGNED - HFSID 80208HARDY AMIES The English dressmaker sends Christmas greetings on a portion of his personal calling card Autograph sentiment on calling card signed: "Happy Christmas/Hardy", 2¼x1½ card. Imprinted: "Mr. Hardy Amies.…"
Price: $160.00
WALLY "FAMOUS AMOS" AMOS - CHRISTMAS / HOLIDAY CARD SIGNED 12/11/1985 - HFSID 215095Christmas card signed: "Aloha,/Wally Amos/12-11-85", 8½x5¾ when closed. Printed greeting inside: "May Christmas and the coming year bring you the best of everything". Includes mailing envelope addressed in his own hand: "Selwyn Gamble/P.O. Box 950/ Senatobia, MS.…"
Price: $90.00
EDWIN H. ARMSTRONG - CARD SIGNED - HFSID 350435Autograph from the prolific inventor of radio improvements. Signature: "Edwin H. Armstrong", 5x3 card.
Sale Price $1,195.00
EDMUND N. BACON - BUSINESS CARD SIGNED - HFSID 54188Business Card signed: "Edmund N. Bacon" as Executive Director, City of Philadelphia, 1p, 8½x11. Edmund Bacon (1910-2005) was a visionary city planner who directed Philadelphia's planning commission for over 20 years (1949-1970).
Price: $90.00
HENRY P. BALDWIN - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK 03/27/1869 - HFSID 13737The Michigan Governor and U.S. Senator signs his name in black ink Printed card signed in ink: "Henry P. Baldwin/ Detroit/ Michigan" in black ink. Detroit, Michigan. March 27, 1869. Henry P.
Price: $220.00
JOSEPH W. BARR - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 26728Card with short typed bio signed by as a U. S. Congressman from Indiana Printed Card Signed in Ink: "Joseph W. Barr" in blue ink. 4¾x2 card. Typed caption: "Joseph W. Barr,/Member of Congress, Eleventh Indiana Dist-/rict, 1959- ." Barr (1918-1996) was the 59th U. S.
Price: $200.00
CORNELIUS N. BLISS - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 49328Printed autograph card signed by the Secretary of the Interior Printed Card Signed in Ink: "Cornelius N. Bliss". 3½x2. Captioned above signature: "Autograph of". Captioned below signature: "Secretary of the Interior".
Sale Price $165.00
GOVERNOR CHRISTOPHER S. BOND - POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 273276Postcard signed: "Christopher S. Bond" as Governor, 5½x3¼. Jefferson City, Missouri, postmarked September 24, 1973. printed state seal in upper right corner. Printed message: "Office of the Governor: Thank you for your recent letter.…"
Price: $90.00
TOMMY "BUTCH" BOND - CALLING CARD SIGNED - HFSID 147273Tommy "Butch" Bond signs a calling card. Calling Card signed: "Tommy 'Butch' Bond", 3½x2. Printed caption: "Butch/Tommy 'Butch' Bond/of The Little Rascals". As Butch, Tommy Bond (1927-2005) played the neighborhood bully in many of the Our Gang comedies.
Sale Price $115.00
ARTHUR BOURCHIER - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 146812Vintage British picture post card of actor Arthur Bourchier in costume as Treasure Island's John Silver, signing with a hearty "Yo-ho-ho!!" Postcard Photograph signed "Yo-ho-ho!!/Arthur Bourchier". B/w, 3¼x5½ overall, 3x4¾ image, one surface.
Price: $360.00
KEN BRETT - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 164568Signed black and white postcard (3½x5½) showing Ken Brett pitching for the Los Angeles Dodgers Picture post card signed: "Ken Brett", in black felt tip, B/w 3½x5½.
Sale Price $105.00
JOHN H. BRYAN - CHRISTMAS / HOLIDAY CARD SIGNED - HFSID 221884The Sara Lee Corporation CEO signs artistic holiday card in black ink Christmas/holiday card signed: "John H. Bryan" in black ink. 5¼x8 folded, 10½x8 flat. Holiday card from the Sara Lee Corporation. John H. Bryan (b.
Price: $120.00
LESTER ARTHUR BURCHAM - CHRISTMAS / HOLIDAY CARD SIGNED CIRCA 1974 - HFSID 216057The past president and chairman of the Woolworth Company signs this Christmas card Christmas card signed: "L. A. Burcham" in blue ink. 7x5½. Note included reads: "From the desk of /L.A. Burcham/Chairman of F. W. Woolworth Co.…"
Sale Price $105.00
JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 46726Signature of the British politician who served as Secretary of State for the Colonies from 1895-1903. Printed card signed in ink: "J. Chamberlain", in black ink, 3½x2 printed card.
Price: $200.00
WALTER P. CHRYSLER SR. - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 164970The founder of Chrysler automobiles signed this card that features a typed message Printed Card Signed in Ink: "W.P. Chrysler", 1p, 6x4 card. No place, no date. In full: "I wish to acknowledge and thank you for your recent letter.…"
Price: $750.00
DR. DENTON A. COOLEY - CALLING CARD SIGNED 04/19/1969 - HFSID 273189He pens his signature on this 3x1½ calling card including "A great friend" Calling Card signed: "April 19, 1969/To [Gary L. Lorenz (imprinted)]/A great friend/Denton A. Cooley MD", 3x1½. Imprinted calling card of Gary L. Lorenz. Denton A.
Price: $120.00
GEORGE B. CORTELYOU - CALLING CARD SIGNED - HFSID 320790Signing on his calling card as The Secretary of the Treasury, one of three Cabinet Posts he filled for President Theodore Roosevelt Calling Card signed: "Geo. B. Cortelyou", 4¼x2½. Printed title: "The Secretary of the Treasury".
Sale Price $225.00
DAVE COWENS - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 1100The All-Star Boston Celtic signs a 5x3 card with information on him printed above. Printed Card signed in Ink: "David Cowens" in blue ink, 5x3 card. With information on Cowens printed above.
Price: $90.00
ARLENE DAHL - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 311808The actress signs her name in blue felt tip on a card imaged as a box of popcorn Printed Card signed in Ink: "Enjoy!/ Arlene/ Dahl", in blue felt tip, 6x5¾. Redheaded actress Arlene Dahl (1928-2021) was a film star of the late 1940s and 1950s.
Price: $160.00
PREMIER WILLIAM DAVIS (CANADA) - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 273560Picture Postcard signed: "William Davis" on verso. Color, 5½x3½. Front depicts the "Shield of the Arms/of the Province of/Ontario". Imprinted caption at upper left margin of verso. 10-cent Canadian stamp affixed, not postmarked. William G.
Price: $120.00
JACK DEMPSEY - CHRISTMAS / HOLIDAY CARD SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 167058Jack Dempsey signs a Holiday card from Hallmark. Season's Greetings Card by Hallmark signed: "Deanna" to which her husband has added: "& Jack Dempsey". Color, closed to 8x4. Printed greeting inside: "With best wishes for the holidays/and the year ahead".
Price: $240.00
JACK DEMPSEY - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 283180Signed picture post card with a replica of the 1923 title fight between Jack Dempsey and Tommy Gibbons. The fight nearly ruined the town of Shelby, Montana and ranks as one of the greatest boxing promotion disasters in history.
Sale Price $245.00
JACK DEMPSEY - PICTURE POST CARD SIGNED - HFSID 283652This great piece of boxing and New York City history is a picture post card from Jack Dempsey's Broadway Restaurant. It's signed with "Good Luck" by former heavyweight champ Jack Dempsey and has a color reproduction of James Montgomery Flagg's Jack Dempsey Knocks Out Jess Willard.
Price: $300.00
JACK DEMPSEY - POST CARD SIGNED 08/09/1942 - HFSID 155195Postcard signed by Jack Dempsey. Postcard signed: "Good Luck/from Jack Dempsey/8-9-42", 5½x3½ with 4¾x1¼ black and white newspaper photograph attached (two surfaces).
Sale Price $225.00
FREDERICK BAILY DENT - CALLING CARD SIGNED - HFSID 301416Ink signature on his printed card as Secretary of Commerce Calling card signed: "Frederick B. Dent" as Secretary of Commerce, 5x3 card.
Sale Price $135.00