Hollywood Celebrities, Actors and Directors | Sheet Music / Lyrics
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GEORGE F. ABBOTT - INSCRIBED SHEET MUSIC SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 180732“Mr. Broadway” signs sheet music for Barefoot Boy with Cheek Sheet Music inscribed and signed: Best regards to Don Aelau/George Abbott", 6p, 9x11¾. Words and music to "After Graduation Day" (music by Sidney Lippman, lyrics by Sylvia Dee).…"
Sale Price $250.00
FRED ASTAIRE - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 253132Sheet music for "Triplets" from The Band Wagon signed by the actor and dancer Sheet Music signed: "Fred Astaire", 8p, 9x12, front and verso. "Triplets", words by Howard Dietz, music by Arthur Schwartz.
Sale Price $295.00
SIR RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED 1977 - HFSID 67214Richard Attenborough signs sheet music for "A Beggar in Love". Sheet Music signed: "This so long ago!/All best wishes/Richard Attenborough/77", 4p, 8½x11. "A Beggar in Love" by Bob Merrill. "Featured & Broadcast by Richard Attenborough in his Record Round-Up".
Sale Price $275.00
GENE AUTRY - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 168988Sheet music for You Only Want Me When You're Lonely by Gene Autry and Steve Nelson, signed by Autry on the cover Sheet Music signed: "Gene Autry" on front cover, with facsimile siganture. B/w, 4 pages, 8¾x11¾, 1 sheet folded, front and verso.
Price: $240.00
GENE AUTRY - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED 08/03/1989 - HFSID 226559GENE AUTRY Sheet music to I'm Oscar - I'm Pete from The Phantom Empire, signed with Gene Autry's Best Wishes" in 1989. The Phantom Empire, a 1935 serial, was one of Autry's first credited movie appearances. Sheet music signed "Best Wishes/From/Gene Autry/8-3-89".…"
Sale Price $195.00
FRANKIE AVALON - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED CIRCA 1959 - HFSID 226519Frankie Avalon signs sheet music for "Venus" by Ed Marshall, recorded on Chancellor Records by Avalon. Sheet Music signed: "Frankie Avalon", 4p, 9x12. Music and lyrics of "Venus" by Ed Marshall, recorded on Chancellor Records by Avalon. © 1959 Rambed Publishing Co., Inc.
Sale Price $325.00
FRANKIE AVALON - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED CIRCA 1960 - HFSID 251600Frankie Avalon signs sheet music for "Togetherness" by Russell Faith, recorded on Chancellor Records by Avalon. Sheet Music signed: "Frankie Avalon", 4p, 9x12. Music and lyrics of "Togetherness" by Russell Faith, recorded on Chancellor Records by Avalon.
Price: $320.00
JOAN BENNETT - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 269564Joan Bennett signs sheet music for the song, "That Old Feeling", from Walter Wanger's Vogues of 1938. Sheet Music signed: "Joan Bennett" on front cover, 6p, 9¼x12¼.
Price: $180.00
RAY BOLGER - INSCRIBED SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 269563Ray Bolger signs sheet music to "My Darling, My Darling" to a fan. Sheet Music inscribed and signed: "To/Chuck Mc Kean from Ray Bolger" on front cover, 4p, 9x12. Handwritten postscript initialed: "R.B." In full: "The Once in Love with Amy guy".
Price: $240.00
RAY BOLGER - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 169037Ray Bolger signs original sheet music for "Once in Love With Amy", a song from the Broadway musical, Where's Charley? Original sheet music cover signed: "Ray Bolger," 1p, 9x12.
Sale Price $225.00
PAT BOONE - INSCRIBED SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 251598Pat Boone inscribes sheet music for "For A Penny". Sheet Music inscribed and signed: "Tony-/warmest/wishes/Pat", 4p, 9x12. "For A Penny", ©1959 Roosevelt Music Co., Inc. Words and music by Charles Singleton.
Price: $180.00
PAT BOONE - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 251599Pat Boone signs sheet music for "Don't Forbid Me". Sheet Music signed: "Pat/Boone", 4p, 9x12. "Don't Forbid Me", © 1956 Roosevelt Music Co., Inc. Words and music by Charles Singleton. This song was a number one hit for Boone in 1957, probably his peak year of popularity.
Sale Price $150.00
BUFFALO BOB SMITH - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED CIRCA 1948 - HFSID 226717Buffalo Bob Smith signs sheet music to "Toolie Oolie Doolie (The Yodel Polka)". Sheet Music Signed: "Bob Smith", 6p, 8¾x12. "Toolie Oolie Doolie (The Yodel Polka)" © 1948 Chas. K. Harris Music Pub. Co. Inc.
Price: $280.00
SMILEY (LESTER) BURNETTE - INSCRIBED SHEET MUSIC COVER SIGNED - HFSID 343220The Western film actor and singer signs book of his songs for a fan in blue ink Inscribed sheet music cover signed: "To/ Latricia/ from/ Smiley" in blue ink. 64 pages, 9x12.
Price: $340.00
SMILEY (LESTER) BURNETTE - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 345240The famous actors sign this The Smiley Burnette Song Book. The actors acted together in the 1950 film Across the Bandlands. Extremely rare! Sheet Music Signed: "Smiley/ Burnette" and "Harmonica/Bill" in black ink. 9x12. 64 pages.
Price: $340.00
GEORGE BURNS - TYPED LYRIC(S) SIGNED 11/1985 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 201057George Burns and Sonny Throckmorton sign a typescript to the song I Wish I Was Eighteen Again". Typescript signed: "George Burns" and "Sonny Throckmorton", 1p, 8½x11. The five stanzas of "I Wish I Was Eighteen Again", words and music by SONNY THROCKMORTON.…"
Price: $200.00
ERSKINE CALDWELL - INSCRIBED TYPED LYRIC(S) MULTI SIGNED 03/10/1967 - HFSID 283900Typed draft (7 pages) of lyrics for the film version of God's Little Acre, inscribed and signed twice on the 1967 cover letter and also on two of the lyric pages. Each of the lyrics contains corrections and/or numbering in Caldwell's hand.
Price: $900.00
CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN MOVIE CAST - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 341253The two stars sign their names on sheet music for the song "When You Wore a Tulip and I Wore a Big Red Rose". Extremely rare! Sheet Music signed: "Clifton Webb", "Myrna/Loy", in black ink, 8½x11.
Price: $280.00
CHER - TYPED LYRIC(S) SIGNED 1992 - HFSID 201114Typed Lyrics signed: "All my love/Cher/'92". Lyrics of "The Way of Love" (original French lyrics by Michel Revgauche, English lyrics by Al Stillman, music by Jack Dieval). This song, recorded by several artists, was a big hit for Cher in 1972.
Price: $450.00
CLAUDETTE COLBERT - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 226589Claudette Colbert signs sheet music tiled "Arise My Love". Sheet Music signed: "Claudette/Colbert", 6p, 9x12. Titled: "Arise My Love". Words by Ned Washington, Music by Frederick Hollander.
Sale Price $175.00
CLAUDETTE COLBERT - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 226590Claudette Colbert signs sheet music for the song "Tomorrow is Forever" Sheet Music signed: "Claudette/Colbert", 4p, 9x12. Titled: "Tomorrow is Forever", from the film of the same name.
Price: $220.00
CLAUDETTE COLBERT - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED CIRCA 1944 - HFSID 226591Claudette Colbert signs sheet music for the song "Together". Sheet Music signed: "Claudette Colbert", 6p, 9x12. The song "Together" by B.G.
Sale Price $175.00
MAC DAVIS - TYPED LYRIC(S) SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 181710"Stop and Smell the Roses" lyrics signed by Davis and Severinsen Typed Lyrics signed: "Mac Davis" and "all the best/'Doc' Severinsen", 1p, 8½x11. Lyrics to "Stop and Smell the Roses", words and music by Mac Davis and Doc Severinsen.
Price: $240.00
OLIVER DRAKE - INSCRIBED SHEET MUSIC SIGNED 1986 - HFSID 342130Drake's signature to a fan on sheet music for the song "Moonlight On the Painted Desert", taken from his film Painted Desert. Extremely rare! Inscribed Sheet Music signed: "To my good Pal Clint -/ Warmest regards-/ Oliver Drake.…"
Sale Price $345.00
IRENE DUNNE - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 269568The actress signs the sheet music for the song "Wishing [Will Make It So]" from her 1939 film Love Affair. Sheet Music signed: "Irene Dunne" on front cover, 6p, 9x12. Sheet music for the song, "Wishing [Will Make It So]" from the 1939 R.K.O. Radio Pictures Inc.
Price: $260.00
SHIRLEY EATON - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 292910Her signature in gold ink on the sheet music for "Goldfinger" Sheet Music signed: "Best Wishes/Shirley Eaton/'Goldfinger", 2 pages, 9x12. Sheet music to "Goldfinger," signed on front cover in gold ink. Shirley Eaton (b.
Price: $350.00
SHIRLEY EATON - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED CIRCA 1964 - HFSID 250829Sheet Music signed: "Best Wishes/Shirley Eaton". 4p, 8¾x12. "Goldfinger", Lyric by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley, Music by John Barry. From her first film appearance in 1954 onward, Eaton excelled in roles calling for equal parts comic know-how and feminine pulchritude.
Price: $280.00
THE EGG AND I MOVIE CAST - SHEET MUSIC SIGNED CIRCA 1947 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 265627Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray sign sheet music from the movie The Egg and I. Sheet Music signed: "Claudette/Colbert", "best wishes -/Fred Mac Murray", 4p, 9x12¼. Signed on cover. Title song from the film musical. New York, N.Y., 1947. © Miller Music Corporation.
Price: $300.00
ALICE FAYE - INSCRIBED SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 252353Sheet music for "You'll Never Know", signed to a fan with "Always" Sheet Music inscribed and signed: "Maran -/Always/Alice Faye" on front cover, 4p, 9x12. Sheet music for the song, "You'll Never Know", words by Mack Gordon, music by Harry Warren.
Sale Price $295.00
ALICE FAYE - INSCRIBED SHEET MUSIC SIGNED - HFSID 252354Sheet music for "Hold My Hand", signed to a fan by Faye in black felt tip Sheet Music inscribed and signed: "For Norm -/Alice Faye" on front cover, 6p, 9x12. Sheet music for the song, "Hold My Hand", lyrics by Jack Yellen and Irving Caesar, music by Ray Henderson.
Price: $360.00